Hey, how do you like my avatar...? I guess it's nothing much to look at. But even so,
I still like it. I know, it's another one featuring Tidus, but I couldn't help it, I've played it recently.
I started this post nearly a half an hour ago, and I was fine. But now I'm sad, upset, and worried. I can't say exactly why because then I'd be talking about stuff I shouldn't, stuff that's confidental to my mom and dad. It pains me to see my mom so upset, but she doesn't want me to comfort her. So all I can do is ignore her, sort of. It's not as easy as it sounds.
My dad's not here, for he was upset after what happened an hour ago. He supposedly had gone to return the movies we rented, and he did take them with him, but I think it's been far too long since then. The rental place isn't
that far.
I'm to try out this one small school on Monday. Just for a week. But at this moment I'm not worried about that. I feel so immature after realizing that one of the things I've been worried about is getting KH and some other games. But right now it really doesn't seem important enought to worry about. I also feel stupid that I actually thought all this craziness would be left behind. I was wrong.
Some people here, if anyone is reading this, might be surprised that I'm actually writing something personal online. But as long as I don't give specific details of what is going on, I can't see anything wrong with it. It's the only place I can express my feelings at the moment, because if I said anything to my mom, she'd probably just become more upset and cry some more.
Geez, this sounds so depressing. It almost makes me want to pity myself. I never thought I'd be typing something like this down. Not in a really long time, anyway. Okay, so I may be over reacting, being hysterical, but at least I've stopped crying for today. Hopefully.