Saturday, May 27, 2006

Words cannot describe my frustration...

I can't believe I just hit my head with the stupid phone on the wall. That's how tired I am.

Friday, May 26, 2006

She likes to talk.

I love that jazzy-swing kind of music. It makes me melt and grin all over! If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the classic songs they use to sing in the early 1900's. Like when Frank Sinatra became famous. If you want an example of what I mean, go here and then scroll down to the part where it says "Listen to Samples" and then click on "Shall We Dance?" It has 2 choices, Windows Media Player, or Real Player.

It's such a relief to know that's it's Friday and tomorrow is Saturday. Such a relief to think I won't have to get up early to go to school. Such a relief that I don't have to finish my homework today, because I so didn't finish.

I'd really like to see The Da Vinci Code. Or if not, X-Men 3. And if I can't even see that, I want to see Prime. The annoying thing is that I have no one to go with. Ana Paula is going to be gone for the weekend, Cristina can't go to the movies because she has no money at the moment and her mom won't let her (plus she has her boyfriend), and my dad doesn't really dig going to the movies. He likes renting, but the theaters-- not for him.

I guess I'll just have to go for hanging out and walking around the mini-mall with Cristina and her boyfriend, Gustavo, if I want to go out with her. At least her boyfriend's a nice guy. I just don't want them to start kissing all of a sudden. That would be annoying, becuase then.. well, I'm stuck with it. Then again, I could just walk away and then they'd have to start walking after me, mwahahaha. Then they'd pay. Oh yes.

Anyway, I'm just rambling here. Finally, I'm posting, right? A miracle! But it's a good remedy when you're bored. So.. yeah. That's it. That's all I can think of talking about at the moment. Hope I didn't bore you! <3

Monday, May 22, 2006

Boredom kills.

Listening to: "And She Said..." - Lucas Prata

After all, it's better than leaving my poor blog empty of recent posts. Poor thing~

I'm just sitting here in front of the computer doing nothing special. I'm chatting online, listeing to some music, trying to cure my boredom, that's all. I remember I use to post on my blog when that happened, so why not bring back the habit? It'd be good, I think. =p

I found this cool artist just recently, called Jack Johnson. Apparently he's a surfer/director/songwriter/singer from Hawaii. (Yeah, that was a mouthful!) He plays these really mellow tunes that I simply adore~ Simple lyrics, but they have a deep meaning at the same time. It's nice.

...It sucks to be bored. Naw, seriously. It's annoying. *sigh* =/

And what's worse is that I can't think of anything to talk about other than that I can't think of anything to talk about... Gah, wish I could see "The Da Vinci Code" sooner.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I can't feel that bump just yet.

Listening to: "This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)" - Natalie Cole

That bump that you feel when you get older, when you're supposed to have walked a step higher up the stairs. I just don't! But now I have no choice but to call myself 15 when people ask me. It's so weird to think that I'm older. Why do I have to get older, grrrr~~~ >__<

Even though today was a school day, it was fun. People said happy birthday, I got presents from Cristina and Ana Paula, (ankle bracelet, a pair of earings, and a necklace!) I got to eat a cake that I brought to school, and when my dad picked me up, he got me red roses! It was my mom's idea... I would have prefered white roses but they had no other flowers available.

It was funny when they sang "happy birthday". Cristina even made us say it in English, while she stood behind me and held my hands to make them clap along. She can be so silly sometimes...

I also got a call from my mom and my sister over in Germany. When I answered the phone all of a sudden they started singing. For a moment I thought I was gonna cry.It was nice hearing my mom's voice as usual, but when she passed the phone to my sister, Mohini, that's when things got awkward See, I'm never really good at talking on the phone, plus, I only see my sister once a year, so... least to say, we didn't have much to talk about. It was a bit of a struggle to keep a conversation before that deafening silence came up.

Other than that, today was pretty normal. What really sucks is that I have a test tomorrow. Plus, I have to present a group project she dumped on us two days before. My teacher can be so heartless sometimes. v_v

P.S. Sorry for not posting anything, hehe. I've definetely been busy with school, but also been lazy. Hope to post more soon!