Sunday, July 30, 2006

A-OKAY so far

Mood: Excited
Listening to: "We Like To Party" - Crazy Frog

If anybody has been reading this blog, they probably know that it hasn't been updated for almost over a month. I apologize, my friends (whoever those are). I was kind of hoping to post about my trip to Rio, but... didn't happen. You're gonna have to wait a little longer before I actually finish writing about it. Sorry! Anyway, what I came here to say is this... I've acomplished 3 things this month, aside from other minor things.

1) I finished revamping my Kadaj shrine. It's a got a new name too.
2) I also renewed the main page for my domain. It's still showing as unfinished, but at least it's going off in style!
3) I've managed to get my room more organized. I finally made my shelf some good use and stacked all my books that were handy and all my comics and magazines. It looks actually quite cute all organized.

For me.. those 3 things are important to me, so no doubt I'm happy about that. At least I can say I haven't tried! And I shall continue trying. Today's the last day of my vacation. Tomorrow's Monday and I shall have no choice but to go back to the daily labor most people call "school" and "homework". Have of me is sad, but the other half is strangley glad.

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Plans for...

Listening to ♬ This Is Love - Utada Hikaru

I've started my first Saturday on vacation slow and lazy. But in a week, I'll be in Rio de Janeiro, staying for a week, so I won't be lazing for long. It's exciting to think about, but just the thought of having to pack is dawnting. I never liked packing. Who does? I always worry in the end if I'm forgeting about something important or I didn't pack something right --or something!

Besides our plans for Rio, I plan to draw my butt off. Seriously, I am not going to slack off like last time. And I really hope I'll be able to have some good results once I start. All that's been stopping me is my laziness, which shouldn't really be stopping me in the first place.

I also hope to get my habit of messing up my room away. I tend to dump my clothes, like say... school uniforms on my other bed. (There's 2 in my room. Both of them belong to the apartment.) And of course, they just pile up. I also tend to dump my school books there too. It's a pretty bad habit if you think about it. So I want to make an effort to really stop it and keep my room organized by myself, without out the help of the cleaning lady coming once a week. Let's see if by the end of this month, that happens.

What else? Oh! I've neglected my Kadaj site. It hasn't budged at all since the last time I talked about it. Yeah, that was a long time ago. Now I'm fed up with feeling guilty letting it just sit there uselessy, so I want to try and revive it. I've made a new design for it. All that's left is to make it HTML usable and maybe re-edit the content. Of course, I haven't gotten there yet. If I haven't by the end of this month, you can shout at me a couple 100 times.

All these "plans" or "goals" aside from the trip to Rio, are basically all related to plain laziness. So, I guess you could say my biggest goal this month is to get rid of my horrible habit of being lazy.

Wish me luck!

P.S. On a side note, as you can see, I've changed the layout. Technically, I've only edited the old layout and changed the colors and the image. Let's just say I love editing. Anyway, I'm surprised at the feminine colors myself. Or rather, the stong purple. I'm not such a big fan of purple, but now that I've found a new fascination called "NANA", I've become quite fond of purple. Why? One of the characters of the story is a total punk and she likes these colors. If you compare the two girls in the picture above, I think you'll notice who's the punk. ;D (I'll ramble about NANA in another post!)