Listening to ♬ This Is Love - Utada Hikaru
I've started my first Saturday on vacation slow and lazy. But in a week, I'll be in Rio de Janeiro, staying for a week, so I won't be lazing for long. It's exciting to think about, but just the thought of having to pack is dawnting. I never liked packing. Who does? I always worry in the end if I'm forgeting about something important or I didn't pack something right --or something!
Besides our plans for Rio, I plan to draw my butt off. Seriously, I am
not going to slack off like last time. And I really hope I'll be able to have some good results once I start. All that's been stopping me is my laziness, which shouldn't really be stopping me in the first place.
I also hope to get my habit of messing up my room away. I tend to dump my clothes, like say... school uniforms on my other bed. (There's 2 in my room. Both of them belong to the apartment.) And of course, they just pile up. I also tend to dump my school books there too. It's a pretty bad habit if you think about it. So I want to make an effort to really stop it and keep my room organized by myself, without out the help of the cleaning lady coming once a week. Let's see if by the end of this month, that happens.
What else? Oh! I've neglected my Kadaj site. It hasn't budged
at all since the last time I talked about it. Yeah, that was a long time ago. Now I'm fed up with feeling guilty letting it just sit there uselessy, so I want to try and revive it. I've made a new design for it. All that's left is to make it HTML usable and maybe re-edit the content. Of course, I haven't gotten there yet. If I haven't by the end of this month, you can shout at me a couple 100 times.
All these "plans" or "goals" aside from the trip to Rio, are basically all related to plain laziness. So, I guess you could say my biggest goal this month is to get rid of my horrible habit of being lazy.
Wish me luck!
P.S. On a side note, as you can see, I've changed the layout. Technically, I've only edited the old layout and changed the colors and the image. Let's just say I love editing. Anyway, I'm surprised at the feminine colors myself. Or rather, the stong purple. I'm not such a big fan of purple, but now that I've found a new fascination called "NANA", I've become quite fond of purple. Why? One of the characters of the story is a total punk and she likes these colors. If you compare the two girls in the picture above, I think you'll notice who's the punk. ;D (I'll ramble about NANA in another post!)