Sunday, March 18, 2007


SANA World Cosplay Summit -- my first, small anime convention, or rather, cosplay convention... :D And yeah, it was small, but who cares! It was kinda fun anyway.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Today I was lucky. Lucky to escape the Fisics test I was so dreading. Lucky to bump into Iago at the mall across from my school, lucky to meet up with Cristina, someone who is now living out of the city, nearly 2 hours away. Lucky to have such a nice room, lucky to be able to decorate it, lucky to have the opportunity to go to a good school, even if it is strict (a lot of homework and studying required). I am lucky. Very lucky.

And yet I always have something to complain about, AHA-HA! So please, beware of next posts!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Me want~

I am being offered free candy. Obviously, you’d take it, right?
When I say “candy”, I don’t mean it literally. I mean free Japanese classes on Saturday at school! When we were told that, all I could do was think: “I gotta take these.” But thinking about it more-- it’d be a risk. Right now my grades are so-so, depending on the subject. I think I’ll only be able to take something like extra courses only after I get my grades up to a steady pace. And that is really dissapointing…. I mean, the teacher looked really cool. She’s young, in her early twenty’s or young, fluent in Japanese, and seems to have a cool style. Young, hip, and into Japanese culture. What could be better?

So yeah. I guess I’ll have to ask for more information till I can decide to enroll... But it’s almost more than certain that I probably won’t be able to do it right now. ;((


Saturday, March 3, 2007


My eyes are heavy and my shoulders are slouching. I am showing every sign of being tired, but I want to be stubborn and stay up just a bit longer. I have to post about something. Anything. Now that I am so busy with school and homework, I feel I must write/post as often as possible, more than now than ever. School stress is getting to me already.

I don't know what to do other than ramble right now. Lately, I haven't had much time to be creative, and only time to do homework, study, plus some eating and sleeping. Just the thought that tomorrow is Sunday and after that is once again Monday is extremely daunting, since I had yet again school today. I can't wait till this whole saturday deal is over.

Like usual, music continues to feed my brain with creative ideas... and keeps my spirits up with whatever that may be irritating me. Just today, as I sat in chair in the classroom waiting for the next teacher to come, I took my MP3 player and started listening. It made the fact that I was at school seem unimportant, as I watched people chatter, joke, play games, and attempt to sleep.

I saw a movie called "Music & Lyrics" in the theaters. It features that one british guy who by no means I find good-looking. Not to say he isn't good-looking at all, but his general facial expression is strange, 'dunno. Anyway, it was sort of funny.

....OK. Nevermind. Forget this post. I'll scratch something else better tomorrow, I hope.