Sunday, April 29, 2007


LISTENING TO: All of Your Love - Hellogoodbye

I miss blogging. I have been so busy... and yet I can't figure out what to talk about. School is not a subject I want to mention, simply because it's something I'm sick of right now. But then that's where the problem surges. School is all my life is about right now. It has become my main focus and I'm tired of it. Thank goodness in 2 months it's momentarily over...

In 3 weeks, my birthday is coming. 16. Weird, huh?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cats.. the best.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Oops! The orchid queen, oh violet sweet!

I forgot to mention earlier that I got an orchid for my room a couple days ago. Here are some pictures I took.

Chewing gum that is chewed too long tastes like nothing.

Listening to: "All The Same" - Sick Puppies

School is becoming my full job-- as I had said to Chai recently. And it has! I have never needed to do so much homework as I have been needing to now. Even with all the homework they have been expecting us to complete, they also expect us to be able to do this huge group project that's due in nearly one more week-- I have barely even started studying about it. There is no time during the week.

It's out of whack, to say the least.

I just want vacation. I noticed how this desire is strong today, as I was having a huge hard time paying attention to my History teacher. Normally I find History interesting, but recently it's boring me. Besides, the goofy boys sitting around me today would not stop joking around amongst eachother. It was DISTRACTING me, darn it.

Aside from that, I can't stop thinking about numbers and grades. As my 1st semester is almost finishing (just 2 more months to go!), I have to worry about my last grades and the tests coming up. I'm tired of having to constantly think about grades, though. I'm tired of school... I want vacation, yes.

...The girl who was offering Japanese classes on Saturdays seems have forgotten her offer completely, since I never heard of such classes ever since the beginning of the year. But I guess even if they were happening, I wouldn't find time to do them, seeing how school is making me so frustratingly preoccupied as it is.

My dad is even complaining that I'm not drawing much anymore. I guess I'd be drawing more if it weren't for the fact that once I have made free time for myself, I just want to be lazy-- drawing comes out as work, unless it's at school, which serves as a slight distraction, lol. At least that is how it has been for me.

School has even made me stay up later. Not even for fun, for STUDYING.

But I won't say all the studying has been hell. Some of it can be fun and interesting if you like the subject and if you're not tired. But I am tired. Tired of school, so my interest in school subjects only happen to be present now because I have no choice-- I have to pay attention to the teacher and understand what he's saying, or else... or else I'll be screwed when it's test week. I don't want that happening again.

Anyway, as I speak of such-- I'm going to do some homework now, so I don't have it all for the weekend. See you!
P.S. I miss internet surfing. <3

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Some music can just LIFT YOU UP

When you're down.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My math teacher smiled at me today. O_O

Thursday, April 5, 2007

--> IS VERY LAZY <--

• listening to: "This Ain't A Scene" - Fall Out Boy

What to say. I'm lazy in result to the huge amount of work school has been giving me. Why am I even bothering to post about this would be a possible question right now. Whatever, haha!

Test week finished last week. THANK GOODNESS. Imagine studying nearly everything at the last minute! I've got most of the test results, aside from results I'll have to wait for next week, like History, English, Phyisics, and...yeah, I think that's it. Next test week'll only be in 2 more months... But time flies, ack.

One stupid thing they have in test week in my school is that on Friday (the last day) they have a general checkable (A,B,C, etc) test with nearly every subject they can fit in, depending on the theme they choose. In this case, it was global warming. But that wasn't even the problem. It's the fact that if you get a low score on that-- depending on how much you didn't get right, that amount will be deducted from several grades. HOW STUPID IS THAT.

Anyway, yesterday I went to the mall to meet up with Ana Paula, her brother, and some of his friends. We ended up staying there till the mall was starting to close. I had never done that before. It was cool. :D

Other than that... I can't say I have much else to say. I'll try posting something more meaningful tomorrow, seeing as I'm not very inspired today. >;p