I’m terribly behind on this blog, it seems. So that I don’t drag out my thoughts aimlessly here, I’ll mention some things that have been on my mind:
- College life and the idea of my registration going wrong. See, I registered ages ago, like at the end of last year, I think. But there are still some loose ends to tie (college leveling test, registering for classes, etc) , which I can only do once I’m in Miami. And since I love to worry about possible scenarios, I can’t help but think something’ll back fire. I know there’s no point worrying, but what if I can’t register for the classes I want or need? What if there’s a space limit? What if a ton of people are going for computer animation as their major?! Ah well... time will tell I suppose. >;p
- Packing and ridding of junk. See, my dad wants to be completely mobile. In other words, we’re getting rid of pretty much everything we have except for things I wish to take with me to Miami and vice-versa for my dad. We’ve sold a lot of furniture already, thankfully. But there’s still a TON of stuff that’s just been hiding itself in the house and UGH I can’t wait to be over with it. I dread tomorrow and the amount of stuff I’ll have to go through. The good news though is that today I got my whole room pretty much wiped out -- that is, rid of junk. At least it isn’t as crazy-messy like it has been recently.
- Dragging on the topic above, I have this second suitcase which I’m suppose to use to figure what I can fit with things I feel I really want to take... and I had to go through it all again today (meaning I had to take out everything in that suitcase out) -- and it lead me to realizing I’ll have to ship all of my heavy books and comics in a box to Miami, while the other half I can take with me... IF I’M LUCKY and it doesn’t weigh too much. Seriously I can’t believe how much I have! Even with all the bazillion books, papers and other things I got rid of -- it’s still a lot!
- Also, on the topic of college: On videojug.com I discovered a fellow called Harlan Cohen, where he gives tips and advice regarding college. I found him so likable and funny that when I went to his website I found out he was also an author of several books, one of them being a guide on college life (“The Naked Roomate”) I immediately told my dad I wanted to buy once I was in the U.S.. Check out his two websites: The Naked Roomate and Help me Harlan!
- Oh, I might as well mention when I’ll be in Miami. I’ll be arriving during the first week of June, staying at a short term apartment until we find a long term rental that is to our liking and fits our budget. That may also be hindered/influenced by the possibility of Cristina coming to live with me in the late Fall of this year or the beginning of next year. Even though that has been a known possibility, my dad isn’t too keen on the idea now. We’ll see what happens in a couple months! We haven’t chosen a short term apartment yet -- hopefully me and me dad’ll have that done and over with finally tomorrow.
- Once in Miami I’ll start going to math review classes at the college. I don’t consider myself a total ignorant about math, I’m actually not that bad -- but going through almost six months without studying a whole lot of math (I honestly tried but it’s darn hard without no one pressuring you!), it tends to become a blur, even the things you use to be good at. So I need that “refresh” button pressed in my brain!
- Uuuuh, I’m tired. I could talk about a lot of other things, but it’s gonna get late and I still need to get my bum in the shower. I’ll just finish this post saying I discovered this awesome web comic this morning and could not stop reading (unless I was forced to). It’s called Hanna is Not a Boy’s Name. This title doesn’t say everything, but it says great humor, which you’ll notice once reading it. At the beginning that may be what it seems, just humor -- but upon reading more it’s got a great set of characters and an interesting story. Not to mention humor!! (Sorry, I like things that make me laugh.) So check it out and see if it’s your cup of tea. It also has rock-your-socks artwork and awesome coloring. Hmm.. I should make a post on all the web comics I love and recommend. That’s be fun!