Oh my gosh, David Lanz has such beautiful music! He writes New Age music. But he writes it so beautifully. And almost all his music he writes seem to have this middle age or fantasy touch to it. I love it!
My favorites right now are:
• "The Dragon's Daughter"
- Definitely one of my top favorites! Very fantasy-like.
• "Oaks"
- Takes you right into the middle ages.
• "Cello's Song"
- It's a little sad but happy at the same time. It's very pretty. It reminds me of LoZ: The Wind Waker game!
• "Madre de la Tierra"
- So sweet! I love it. I think this one is one of my top favorites, too.
• "Long Way from Home"
- It definitely shows you the feeling of wanting to go home. It sort of expresses the happy memories of home. It's sad, yet happy. Beautiful, I love how he uses the violin and piano in this one.
• "Madrona"
- Another sweet one. I love the piano. I want to learn now... maybe. It has a very calm/romantic feeling to it. The guitar is mixed nicely.
All those songs above come from his album called "Convergence".
Ok, now I want to talk about the "Pirates of the Caribbean". I really loved that movie, it has to be my favorite movie right now. And even if there was some little spooky parts, they made it really funny, so you could actually laugh at some of them. Like when the pirate that had the glass eye, it came out by accident and then he started crawling on the floor to look for it! He was in his skeleton form, because that was in the part of the movie when they were fighting on the ship at night. That was a very funny part.
I also loved the actors Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp. I really liked how Johnny Depp played the part of Captain Jack Sparrow. He was a real smooth talker, and I liked that! It made me giggle at everything he said. He was really funny. All the other actors like Orlando Bloom and the actor who played Elizabeth Swan, they both played really well. And all the other actors, too. I liked them all! Anyway, I loved that movie.
Hmm... I went swimming today, and even though the Sun was out, the water was pretty cold. But it was refreshing and I had fun.
School was so annoying today. It was still review, but just Math. And I hate Math. It's my least favorite subject and my worst. And it's the most annoying. But in the end it was worth going through the frustrating struggle because I finished review. The only bad thing about that is it means the test will start tomorrow! Anyway, what made school the most annoying was because I was late. Now, that may be weird because I am home-schooled. So my teacher/tutor comes here to do school, I don't have to go anywhere. I woke up around 7:00 o'clock in the morning... nothing really unusual. And so I decided to sneak to my computer to check my email and stuff before I would have to get ready. I was lazy and I basically waited till the last minute to get ready, which was like 15 minute before 8:30! (That's when school starts...) So I was in a real rush to get ready. And when I got out of the shower and got dressed, I went to the through the door that's in the hallway, which leads to the temple room and kitchen. I was going there to wake up the Deities and do my mantra, but just out of the kitchen I hear my teacher talking! For whatever reason I didn't want her to see me yet so I ran to the little office that's around the temple room to hide. Then a couple seconds after that I did my mantra and the things I had to do. But... I forget why I brought up this topic. What was the point again? I can't remember! Well anyway, I was really late and that was annoying. I guess that was the point I wanted to make. I'm not really sure, though. Oh well! It was fun rambling about it.
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10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
It's me, Chai! What's up? I am so glad that you joined Blogger, isn't it a neat place? I love it. I read your two entries (do you have more than two?), and I really liked them. It made me laugh, you rambling and then forgetting what the point of what you were saying. Oh, and this David Lanz person, I might check out his music. I like New Age, Celtic-ish stuff.
I like your template (the background). The dots are cool. My template is a bit bland, I think, you've made me consider changing mine. Not to what yours is, but something a bit more exciting.
Anyway, welcome to Blogger! Hope you have a nice time. Now our 'forts' are nearby each other! Awesomosity.
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