Friday, August 13, 2004

Pool tables are strange...

School was good today, and everything went smoothly. The only thing that really annoyed me was when we did Science. I am not a big fan of Science, and making a chart of the planets and the information about them is not my good point. It seemed like it took forever...

I actually made my own homework today. Meaning I insisted that I get homework. That's because I was supposed to finish writing the book review of Anne of Green Gables, but even though it was still early, I thought it would be too much pressure to finish it in school with my teacher waiting on my every move. So I assigned it as homework myself, so I can now do it on the weekend. Oh, joy.

Did you know? It's Friday the 13th! My teacher reminded me of that this morning. I wonder... nothing unlucky has happened today so far. Not that I believe in such superstitions, but it's fun to think it's something of a holiday or an unusual, different day.

I'm downloading episode 147 and 148 of Inuyasha. I haven't watched Inuyasha in such a long time! So I am determined to get back on track with the episodes again. It will probably another day until it's finished downloading.

As usual, after sometime on the computer, I played some video games. For a change, I played a little bit of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I like listening to the opening song when you start the game, it's very pretty. But it can get annoying after listening to it more then twice. The graphics are very good, and I like the game a lot in general, it's just very hard. And me and my dad are stuck on this one boss in the Mushroom Forest.

After FF: CC, I played Harvest Moon AWL. Yes it's true, you can't take me away from my farm for very long. I'm in Chapter 3 now, and my son has grown. And he even has his own room now. Recently he has been asking me questions about how farming is. Like: "Dad, is farming fun?" and then you have 3 options. The 1st one is "Not at all", the second one is "It's fun" and the third is "Why ask?". I pick option #2, because it is fun! And then he gets all happy, saying he knew it was true and that he wants to be a farmer when he grows up. He also has increased his liking of animals. He thinks they're really cute. I'm glad he think so, because I want him to become a farmer.

Later my dad called me down stairs. We got a pool table today! First my mom and dad played together. My mom lost. Then my dad told me how to play. Then my dad and me played against each other. It's not that bad of a game, actually. But it's not easy and it's not that exciting either. I didn't get any balls in, even though I might have gotten a close shot. So, as you might have guessed, my dad won.

This morning I read the part one of the 1st chapter of Chai's story. I loved it, I really did. It was interesting and had lots of suspense. You gotta love suspense! I really wanna know what will happen next! Hope you're writing is doing good, Chai!

... I think that is all. Hmm, pretty normal day. Um, bye-bye journal/diary!

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

You assigned yourself homework? O_O Wow. I'd never do that! Unless it was something creative, like art or writing. Ann of Green Gables, is it interesting? I've heard it is. But I guess a review might be fun homework.

I should check out that Harvest Moon game. Sounds cool. FF games are hard! I tried playing one once, and I sucked at it. Kingdom Hearts is awesome, though not an FF game.

Where do you download Inu-Yasha episodes?

A pool table, cool! I learned to play pool at a birthday party last month, it was cool! Kinda fun, but kinda boring, too, especially when you can't get any balls in. You should have seen me! I was awful at it. But I did good a few times, and I even was lucky enough to win a game against one my friend's dads. It was killer trying to learn how to hold the stick properly at first, though. Practice more, and it'll be more fun and easy.

I'm glad you liked that story! I'm still working on it. I'm on chapter two now, I think. But I've been working on the druid story, and other stories, too. I keep getting discouraged, because I can't say what I want to say properly, or I can't capture the right moods. It's difficult. And I keep thinking of new ideas for new stories, instead of new ideas for stories I"m working on (three, currently). It's so frustrating! But I keep trying, trying, trying. What more can I do? Besides, even if it is a struggle, it's fun.