Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A movie I wanna see...

Ok, so there's this movie called Shark Tale in the theaters over here, and at first I didn't really have the urge to see it... but after just seeing the trailer, now I do.

First of all, it's done by the same studio from Shrek, and the animation is just amazing. Besides the animation, the voices are great. And besides, Will Smith is starring in it, and he tends to be funny. They even have some pretty funny jokes in the trailer.

The images above are from the trailer, I just played around with them in Photoshop. To anybody who has not seen the trailer, it's likely that nobody will understand what's happening there, becuase I just find it so funny.

...Okay, I just had to say something like that. Whatever, just label this under babbling material. I know, I know, I know! I said I would keep my rambling and babbling to myself, but I guess it's just uncontrolable. =)

0 said miss mademoiselle: