Saturday, March 12, 2005

Kinda freaky! ...But I finished!

[Quoted by Angie of and kuroi-tsuki-org at 2004/09/29:
“Inuyasha is NOT over; it is merely taking a short hiatus while the manga is slowly coming to a close then after the fourth movies release, Inu will be back on our screens giving us a proper ending and send off! “/End quote]


(But anyway, it's a cool temperary ending none the less! Besides, this just makes me adore/love Inuyasha even more!)

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

So you thought IY was over for a while? Must be relief that it's not, wow! Don't tell me anything about it, though, 'cause you're WAY ahead of Jahnava and I, since we only read the books.

Glad you have fun watching it, though! I LOVE Inu-yasha!