Saturday, April 2, 2005

Clouds are one the gateways to fantasy...

I took these pictures yesterday morning. I couldn't resist. I just love puffy clouds with a blue sky.

The camera that I have is a really tiny digital camera, but unfortunately the quality of the pictures aren't good, which makes them look a little blurry and darker then they should be. So I made them a bit brighter in Photoshop, that way they don't look so bad. I also made them smaller so they fit here. They're still kind of big, though. (I took these pictures from my balcony.)

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

What pretty clouds! It kinda makes me feel, some of them do, as if I'm in an airplane. I love it when you look up and see a pretty, puffy cloud formation. I saw one other other day, but no one around had a camera, so I couldn't get a pic of it. Glad you got pics of yours though, neat!