Jeez, I think this is the longest my dad and me have talked this week. It was like 2 hours, literally. And I only copied two sentences from the text for Geography and now it's too late to continue.
I mean, I did my homework that's due tomorrow. Sabrina (my tutor) helped me with my math and then left. I then took a little break and decided to start copying. A couple minutes later I decided it would be best to take a shower, so I did, and when I came out that's when this 2 hour long discussion came into session. Now it's almost 8 o'clock.
But what really bothers me is that I can't talk about it here!! I cannot talk about what it was about, I cannot do anything of the sort! I cannot even talk to a friend about it. I mean, it's not like anybody told me directly "Do not talk about it." No. It's just that I know I can't. The only person I can talk about it with is my dad, and my mom... I can't, because it's about her, so, duh, that won't work. It's just VERY frustrating.
I'm sorry for the confusion, after all, why am I bothering to mention it I can't talk about it in detail? Well, I have to express my frustration somewhere.
...Anyway, I need to go. See you, whoever you are. Wish me luck. Please.
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10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
I am so sorry that you only have one person, your dad, with whom you can confide in about the problemo.
That sucks.
But hopefully it will be resolved soon,neh? That should be your mood on it.
Btw, how goes the writing? Writewritewrite! Just one sentence a day even, is good (more than I'VE been doing lately, sheesh! I've got Writer's Block and haven't been able to write a word in like the last 5 days! It sucks majorly).
Are you SURE you can't confide the problem to a friend? Ask your dad. 'Cause you sound really frustrated, and if it would help you, then you SHOULD tell someone. You just have to make them promise to not tell anyone else.
I sympathize with you about it. I know how it is to have a secret and not be able to tell anyone, or more than one person. It's REALLY frustrating. Anyway, good luck!
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