Sorry for the absence. I've been kind of busy. But also a bit lazy. Lately I just haven't had the urge to post. It's weird... Anyway! I'm already half through the book of "The Client," and it's so far good. But sometimes there's these chapters where I just can't read because all they talk about is lawyers and court systems and complicated things such as that. So I stop somtimes at those points and take a break. Then, when I feel more up to reading, I pick it up again.
School is OK. Lately it sucks more than usual, but it's the only way I get to see my friends, so I have no real choice but to go anyway. I'm really dreading Monday, though. Wouldn't it be cool if the weekends were longer? It would.
I'm finally getting use to having Mohini, my sister, and everyone else around. Before it bugged me. But now I'm starting to like their company. They bring more cheeriness to the house, and I think my mom has been feeling a bit better (if only a tiny bit) because of this. Oh, did I mention before? Yesterday was my mom's 50th birthday. Same day as Baralam's appearance day.
I've started to doodle again on the computer. I switched to the soft kind. It's a little better. I'm trying to practice more expressions other than the regualr grins and smiles. I'm also trying to work with hair, but with more detail. You know how some artists can make them all voluminous and realistic looking? I can't. At least not yet.

What do you think? I'd say it's OK. Some perportions are weird, but what can I do? I'm not gonna re do it all over again. Don't get me wrong, though. I normally want everything to be perfecto, but sometimes I can shrug it off, like now.
My mom and dad went out to talk. Mom told me that when they're done, she'll call us and get us a taxi so we can meet at the resturant where we plan to eat for dinner. But oh... what do you know. They just got back! So, gotta go!
1 said miss mademoiselle:
I KNOW what you mean about Mondays! Tomorrow is my first Monday of the first week of my new school year, and I am DREADING having to attend classes for a whole WEEK! The horridness of it is...indescribable.
I'm glad you're getting used to your relatives being 'round and it IS nice having them around cheering the house, isn't it? I always feel like the house is emptier and sadder after relatives leave.
Of all your drawings, the one on the farthest right is my fave. I think her proportions and hair is the best-looking, and I really like the eyes.
Hair is definitely hard to make it look realistic. I still have trouble drawing hair even though I've gotten better at it, and can't really draw it detailedly yet; I can't draw many strands of hair and make it look realistic, so the hair I end up drawing is always thickish. Grr.
But as long as we keep practicing, we'll get better. Glad you finally posted!
And good luck with writing, too (I finally finished chapter 10 of my story and haven't yet started 11. I have 151 and 1/2 pages right now).
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