Listening to: What She Likes - Evan & Jaron
Plug: Anime Visions (credit for avatar)
Hi, people. Sorry about the recent posts once again. Lack of interest in things to say. Remember vaguely about a "domain thingie"? Well, it's here, online, only I've
finally decided to just make it a
coming soon project. This doesn't mean I've given up. It just means I'm putting it on hold for a little while longer. I don't want to go on the with it if I don't really
want to, otherwise it takes away the fun and it eventually feels like work. So yeah... that's that.
I called Sabrina today (my tutor) and she helped me with my exercises my math/physics teacher gave me (which he gave to everybody else, mind you.) Then she helped me organize a list of the different formulas I should try and memorize for the upcoming test, which for sure isn't tomorrow, thank god. I don't like physics. It's complicated and mathematics are in every corner. I don't like anything with math, period. Science is similar, only it's even more complicated. I guess. I just don't like either!
My dad got his car back yesterday, and I was able to stop at the magazine store today. I looked for edition 19 of X/1999 but they still had the 18th there! What's with that?! Maybe they only get new ones during the weekend. That didn't stop me from buying something, though. I found another series from CLAMP, called "Tokyo Babylon." I haven't heard much about it. I just grabbed it because it was from CLAMP, and the stuff from CLAMP is normally good.
I also bought vol. 2 of
Neon Genesis Evangelion -- The Iron Maiden 2nd, which is a different version from the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, done by a different artist, and is total shojo material (romance-ish). Some of the characters change a bit as well. The biggest change would be Rei Ayanami. I definetely prefer the original, but since I have already boughten the 1st volume, I might as well continue it if I have the chance. Besides, it's cute.
Our music teacher at school gave us a new music to practice. Before we were practicing
La Cucarracha but the new one's called "Tristesse". Maybe it's Italian? Dunno. Anyway, it says on the paper that it's written by Chopin, so that's cool. In comparison to
La Cucarracha, this one's a much sadder melody. It's pretty too. I've only been able to get a hang of the beginning, though. It's a pain.
My mom arrived in Germany today. Or last night. Could be either one. I haven't been able to talk to her, though. That's a bummer.
Oh, I also stopped at the movie rental place, DistriVídeo, and asked them about Final Fantasy: Advent Children. They said that it'll be a while. Why did they put the movie on their site if it's gonna be a while!? No fair. I guess I'm gonna have to wait for the "official" version like everybody else afterall... There's always the pirated version on the net to look foward to, though!
Wow. I think this is one of my biggest entries in a while. Cool!