You know how a lot kids want to be grown up, or adults, per say? Well, I'm just glad I'm not, because it's just plain scary what responsibilities adults have to deal with. I mean, that's a lot of pressure! You're probably thinking what's the big deal, right? Well, sometimes stuff makes you think and realize. That's what happened today. But moving on... It wasn't actually my plan to talk about this. Actually, I didn't have much a plan in the first place. Because, to be blunt, I'm kind of lonely.
Anyway, I just wanted to get that out of my system. I was kind of freaked out before...
So, what shall I talk about? It's 7 o'clock in the evening and I still have one little piece of homework to do. It's a drawing that supposed to be something about this poem our teacher made us copy today. But I have no idea what to draw,. It's annoying to say the least.
You know, it may be kind of a weird thing to say, but I'm kind of glad I get to go to school everyday. I know what you're thinking! You've got to be insane, right? But I'm serious! It's such a relief when I get there, becuase I can hang out with my friends and forget the complicated trivias of life! (Though I wouldn't mind not seeing Assunção there.) OK, maybe I'm sounding a bit too dramatic, but you kind of know what I mean, right? Right.
Tomorrow's the Physics test, and surprisingly enough I'm not worried about it. Weird, right? At least I can relax. Anyway, the teacher's cool and it's not complicated physics. It's just stuff about weight and gravity and force and that kind of stuff. Cool, right? Right...
I guess I'll go now. Gotta do the offering before it gets too late. I really don't want to go downstairs, though. Wish me luck!
Avalanche Software Art Blog - Moving to Tumblr!
10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
Um...good luck, you weirdo who likes school!
JEEZ. Don't make that face at me! I was JOKING.
Sheeshkabob. know, I know what you mean by liking going to school. Not because I have home troubles (you poor thing - are you alright? How are things at home), but because I like seeing my friends.
Right now though, I have to disagree with you and say that I don't like going to school. Math is causing me a lot of stress and I never seem to have free time or fun time these days except during the weekends (which seem to take ages to arrive).
But I'm glad you're enjoying school, especially since it takes up five days of your week. That's a lot.
I am very curious - please tell me in a chat sometime - what exactly was it that got you so freaked about adulthood?
I wish you luck on your Physics test and congratulate you on your long post (again). "Das ist spitze!" as they say in Germany; meaning, "It's cool!"
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