Friday, December 30, 2005

KH2 and Jpop + some FMA

Listening to "Tokyo Nights" - Utada Hikaru

Okay, so the last post was a bit over-cooked, but this one isn't! I'm not gonna be screaming any of that "omg! omg! omg!" stuff today. All I'm gonna do is grin and show you this picture from Kingdom Hearts II. Honestly I think it's gorgeous. But you may think differently. Whatever the case, I hope you like it.

On another topic... I really like Utada's "Tokyo Nights". Chai thought it a bit on the iffy side, I think, but I really like it. For one, it's catchy, it has a cool rythm, and the singer can sing, man. Of course, with every catchy song, it can get annoying after a while if you listen to it too many times. Now that I think about it, I think I'll change the song now. I listened to it, like, for 5 times already.

Now I'll switch to a song from M-Flo ♥ (the heart is part of the name, btw), called "Tripod Baby (Shadow the Hedgehog Remix)" I know, it's a strange title, but this japanese group does cool dance/disco music. I remember the day before yesterday I downloaded it. When I started listening to the beginning, after 30 seconds of regular techno sounds, there comes out this one guy who starts saying: "It's Shadow the hedgehog, baby" repeatedly and doesn't stop for more than 10 seconds. I was getting really annoyed at that point, so much that I wanted to hit that guy over the head to make him stop and just start the song! Once he did, the girls' cute little voices come in to soothe my ears, as they sing a mix of english and japanese. The guy sings in the mix of it, as well. From that point, the song is really fun to listen to. There can be these really silly catchy frases they sing too-- like the one I couldn't help but sing to myself while getting ready for bed:

"Get busy. Whoa, easy! Don't know if y'all is ready. Get busy. Whoa, easy! Don't know if y'all is ready. For busy. Check the mike, it's easy. Check the mike for busy. Check the mike, it's easy."

I know I may sound like an idiot singing that, but really, it's really catchy if you listen to the song! And the song isn't just that. They just sing that in the middle, heh. I actually feel kinda embarrassed for liking such a song with so little meaning. Normally I like songs that have more meaning in the lyrics, but this song is an exception, I guess. It's just too amusing and fun to listen to!

Anyway, any annoying-ness of the song goes away once you listen to it for a while. So the beginning doesn't bug me as much as it did then.

So I guess this post ends here. I was just kinda bored, I guess. Hope it amused me as much as it did me! XD

P.S. As a side note, I'd like to mention something. Something I thought very funny. FMA, first of all, has gotten more chapters on, so I've been reading ever since I found out this morning. Well, I started where Ed meets his father at his mother's grave. He get's all angry and calls him names. His father's reaction is also very funny! But then they are forced to walk together back to Pinako's house-- Ed is so not happy about it. That's when it get's really amusing. While they're walking, Ed's father says thoughtfully: "Your hair is in the same style as mine." Ed, really annoyed by that, immediately changes his ponytail to a braid and glares at his father-- you know, that glare that only Ed can do. Then Ed's father says to himself He's also very much like me when I was young. It was so funny~! XD Of course, it's gets all serious from that point on. Spoilers issue, so I won't mention anymore stuff. I just loved that one scene, that's all.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

More KH Craze

Listening to: "Passion" - Utada Hikaru
♥ Aaw, man. Sorry guys, but all I'm gonna talk about is sillyness. But... Oh-my-gosh. I found more KH2 goodies on DeviantART! It's scary! These little clips are taken from various artist's icons~

(Okay, I tried like three times to put the images here, but for whatever reason stupid Blogger keeps on showing them in this ridiculously huge size, even when I tell them to make the size small. So even though it would be much more convenient to show them right here, I'm gonna give you guys the links to the images, that way you'll see the actual thing in their proper size. Actually, instead of giving you the lame link, I'm gonna give you the even lamer URL, 'cause the links won't show up properly on Blogger.)


♥ Dude, like OMG! When I saw them, I was like-- that can't be real! I was grinning so bad. Now I really, really, really wanna play Kingdom Hearts. Like, right now... at, erm, 9:35 PM. XP ♥

Um, sorry peeps. I guess I can't help but face the fact that I'm head-over-heals in love with Kingdom Hearts and anything likewise. And whenever I see something about it, cool footage or the like, I start acting like a crazed fangirl. o__o Sorry if I scared you. I also feel very ashamed and stupid that I always seem to sound like a wacky teenager who can't stop saying "omg, omg!!" when she's excited. Sorry folks, once again. (I feel so childish~)

Oh, and sorry for all the hearts. I couldn't help it... v__v

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Talking beavers!

I saw The Chronicles of Narnia today at the theaters with Cristina (plus her mom, younger sister, and a friend of her's I don't know.) But we had to see it dubbed in portuguese, because her little sister can't read that well I guess, so she wouldn't be able to read the subtitles... Anyway, the movie was good. Okay, it was very good. Heck, I thought it was pretty great. =D

The only real downside of the whole "going to the theaters" thing was that my dad and me ended up waiting for Cristina and peeps almost an hour later then she had planned to me up with me. OK, maybe it wasn't an hour, but it sure felt long! At first I was really annoyed (and my dad got annoyed at some point at the beginning as well), but then once I saw her (finally) I couldn't help but smile in relief. I just felt and continue to feel really bad that my dad waited with me all that time, when he really had a lot of work to do-- and it's a deadline. He's still working and I continue to feel bad... but in reality it wasn't my fault. Either way, I feel bad...

Wanna know one of the things I don't really like about going to the theaters? It's that even if your movie may start early, like 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, the movies are always long and end around 5 to 7 o'clock in the evening. And then I think that I could have done so many other things in that quite large span of time. And that sucks. *pout*

I'd give more details on the movie, only I'm a bit tired, so what I said earlier'll have to be enough. But one of the things I really liked about the movie was the music. The soundtrack, I mean. Or whoever was singing those pretty medieval-ish songs.

And I guess that's that.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hey! Yeah, YOU! LOOK!

Listening to: "Here Come The Sun" - The Beatles


Sorry, I couldn't resist. I stumbled on it on one of the artists' journal on DeviantART, and all I could think of was omg, is that, like, real?! It turns out it is and it's a screenshot of a full motion video yet! (Taken from a magazine article, no doubt.) Ain't it pretty...? It's sure a spiffy Sora. You might be wondering why I'm fauning over the sequel game for Kingdom Hearts, when I haven't even finished playing the first game plus even started the pre-continuation of it, KH: Chains of Memories. So like, I won't be able to play it even if it's coming out very soon. But who cares? I adore anything related to Kingdom Hearts! So yeah... I'm rambling here.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm bored and I feel like talking...

Upon going on the computer just a couple minutes ago, I find myself being bombarded by 3 little "annoying people" known from my school on MSN. Turns out they all invited me on a group conversation. At first I just watched as they continuously called me. Basically, I ignored them. It was so much fun to see their final reaction when I put my status on "Away", too. They eventually left the group conversation... but then they came back. Arthur being the one to start it. He's Ana Paula's brother, and he can be annoying as heck. The other 2 or 3 are his friends. But whatever. Now I'm talking to them. They think I'm talking way too much than normal (they like to joke that I'm the girl who doesn't say a word) and I seem to be in a bad mood, 'cause I started talking to them in a sarcastic manner. They kept on saying it sounded more like Cristina than me. Anyway, now they're kinda talking to themselves. Figures.

(Yeah, weird post... but I don't care. =P Have you ever been bugged by people like that?)

Thursday, December 8, 2005


Sorry, peeps. It's just that, that picture of that model was just screaming I want to be annoying!!, and it accomplished its goal quite quickly. So I decided it's a good time to change the layout. But don't worry, Chai, my friend, your edition of that layout has been put in a safe place in my files. It won't be wasting away! Seriously. Anyway, I guess the fact of the matter is that I can't like a layout for very long. It just isn't possible.

I've started to play Final Fantasy X again. I stopped at the point long time ago where I had to try and win a blitzball tournament. Last time I tried I lost like a complete loooser. This time --after I had started a new game a long time ago and gotten to that point-- I read the rules again with more attention and finally I understand how to play. I didn't win, but I scored the first goal. And I never did that before. So that was cool. o__o

But now I'm stuck at this stupid "Highroad" place. I've been there before, like, before I had started a new game again, and I ended up getting stuck there too as well. Only in a worser situation... But even though there is more hope for me to get pass that area now, I keep on dying!! It's like, I loaded myself with about 10 to 15 potions, right? But they run out like hotcakes. Really hot hotcakes. It's insanity! It's ludricrous! It sucks... And the monsters aren't even that strong yet-- they're just little pests that have a tiny life span and could be easily killed-- if it weren't for their stupid oh-so-useful-and-handy-good-for-nothing attacks that take pretty much half of my team's HP. Only Auron has 1,000-something HP. And even he is hard to keep alive, what with all my potions going bye-bye! It's least to say ANNOYING.

Wow, I sound like... Chai. Normally she's the one venting out her frustration on stuff on her blog, not me. Oh well. There's a first for everything, I guess. So yeah. I gotta go now...

Sunday, December 4, 2005

shopping and stuff

Posting on the same day yet again. That's just plain weird. But whatever. I have the right, don't I? Yeah.

Around 12 or 12:30 my dad and me went to the mall to have lunch. My dad ended up making me go shopping first, though. Trust me, I normally am not that into shopping as like most girls, but my dad just started showing me shirts in C&A and, I dunno. I just couldn't really say no. At first my dad was almost convinced that the section that was obviously for toddlers was where I'd find clothes in my size, and that really made me irritated. I started getting all snappy with him and went downstairs to just prove that there was a section for teenagers, that actually worked for my small frame.

I bought quite a lot of shirts and only two pairs of pants. Ironically, most of the clothes in general were a mix of pink and orange. Only one shirt was green, and one of the pants were white. But seriously, everthing else was orange and pink. Or just plain orange. I blame my dad, 'cause he was the one who picked out most of the shirts. I was the who picked the green one. Oh well, they're pretty clothes.

When we waited in the line, though, it took a while for us to get assisted, becuase half of the people at the register were new and pretty much only one guy knew what he was doing and had to help them. So while we waited, I grabbed some pretty hoop earings.

After that, we finally went to the food court and ate. My dad then grabbed some shirts from his favorite brand... at that point I was shopped-out. But my dad wanted me to get some decent shoes (since my sneakers aren't the best quality) so we went to the nearest shoe store and I ended up picking up some black old fashion-like tennis shoes. I like them lots.

Once that was done we made one more stop: at McDonald's to get some vanilla ice-cream on a cone. It was so good! <3 Then we went back home. =D

La, la, la~


Listening to: "Why" - DJ Sammy

Okay, okay. So you proved me wrong. That does have some decent layouts, but it's really hard to find them. You gotta just have a real keen eye, that's what. Anyway, isn't this layout gorgeous? I admit, the style or rather "the atmosphere" is a bit creepier than I'd normally go liking, but it's cool. The model's pretty, the colors earthy, the phrases luring, and the overall style very...stylish. I just really like it lots.

Have any of you ever listened to DJ Sammy? His kind of music goes along the lines of the "dance" genre and does lots of nice remixes. His newest creation is a remix of "Why", sung by a person called Annie Lenox. Sounds familiar. Anyway, the lyrics are awesome. So if you happen to have a chance to listen to it, don't say no. If you're a fan of the "dance" genre, then I recommend this song whole-heartily.

Anyway, it's a beginning of a new day and hopefully I'll get something done today. Unlike yesterday...

"This is the book I never read
These are the words I never said
This is the path I'll never tread
These are the dreams I'll dream instead
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel?"

- Lyrics from the song "Why".

Saturday, December 3, 2005


I am bored out of my skull. So far, I've been playing just videogames today. And I'd probably continue playing 'cause I'd love to play Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life or Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker, but I my stupid GameCube isn't accepting it. The only game that has worked fine on my GC lately is Animal Crossing, and I'm sick of that game right now. And I don't feel much like playing any of the games on my PS2, either. But if those two games were working, then I for sure wouldn't be on the computer.

I'm in desperate need of a new layout. But it's a trip to find anything I like in I really can't find anything I like there. But I'm just picky when it comes to layouts... or pretty much anything else. Do you guys know any other places I could find some...? T_T Blah. This post is mostly just for boredom, so whatever.

Friday, December 2, 2005

HP4 and silly stuff.

So, today me and Cristina went to the movies to see HP4. We planned on Aldeota mall-- and for the first time, I was the one who arrived late. But it wasn't my fault. It was the stupid traffic! Anyway, so I ran and ran all the way up to the 3rd floor, which luckily ain't that high and eventually found Cristina-- buying candy, where else?! It turned out that they only had HP4 in "dublado," meaning in Portuguese-- and of course, we don't want that. So Cris concludes that we go and walk over to Del Passeo, which is just a block away, because it has a better chance of having "legendado" (english with subtitles). When we get there, we're forced to see a huge, simply blindlingly glistening Christmas tree in the entrance, and oh, what is that..? Do I hear christmas charols?! My, my, and it's only the beginning of December!

Anyway, so we go up to the cinema area and: yay, there's HP4 in english with subtitles! But then we noticed that the next time would be at 5 o'clock, and the current time was past 3:30. At first we thought that was the end of it, it was just too late. Cristina said her parents would probably let her watch it even though it'd be late, but I called my dad while we sat down, and surprise, surprise-- my dad let me! So we walked around the mall, strolling past the various shops, magazine booths, and who-knows-where-else-- all the while cracking jokes and making sarcastic marks. We even stalked a guy or two to see if he'd just turn around for us to see if he really were as handsome as he seemed from afar. We mostly ended dissapointed... but laughing nonetheless.

We ended up going into the theatre 20 minutes earlier than when the movie started, so we just chatted for the time being until the trailers started. We chatted here and there through the whole movie, sometimes making sarcastic marks, or simply giggling for silly reasons. Exemple: Daniel Radcliffe.

There was this one part, though, where some kids on the lower section started saying "shhhh! shhhhhh!" in a loud voice on purpose. Cristina said "anbody have a hard object to throw?", then eventually somebody close by got fed up and told the "shhhushers" to shut up. Me being the person who couldn't resist, started clapping. Then Cris started clapping, and then everybody started clapping! It was so cool! Heh, and to think I was the one who started it.

But on to the details of the movie. First thing I noticed was that they took a lot of stuff out. Like as in fast-foward, fastforward, and omg! -- fast-foward again! It was least to say annoying, but understandable, since the book does have quite a lot of stuff happening, and it's hard to put all that in a 2 hour movie. So yeah, I'm making that as an exception.

But the general "feel" of the movie was sort of portrayed pretty well. As far as dark-ish atmosphere goes. There was quite a few cool effects, too. But my favorite parts were the parts where me and Cris laughed the most. For exemple, the scene where Cho waves at Harry across the great hall and Harry, in an attempt to grin while drinking his juice, splatters it on himself. The whole room cracked up!

Another would be in Snape's class, where Hermione, Harry, Ron, and the twins are chatting, and Snape hits them over the heads with his book or pushes there heads down with his hands. We were overcome by a fit of giggles.

Oh, and one more! The bath scene with Murtle was quite amusing. Neville's quote: "Oh no! I killed Harry Potter!" was even better, though. XD

Man, what a awesome way to start the vacation.