Sunday, December 4, 2005

shopping and stuff

Posting on the same day yet again. That's just plain weird. But whatever. I have the right, don't I? Yeah.

Around 12 or 12:30 my dad and me went to the mall to have lunch. My dad ended up making me go shopping first, though. Trust me, I normally am not that into shopping as like most girls, but my dad just started showing me shirts in C&A and, I dunno. I just couldn't really say no. At first my dad was almost convinced that the section that was obviously for toddlers was where I'd find clothes in my size, and that really made me irritated. I started getting all snappy with him and went downstairs to just prove that there was a section for teenagers, that actually worked for my small frame.

I bought quite a lot of shirts and only two pairs of pants. Ironically, most of the clothes in general were a mix of pink and orange. Only one shirt was green, and one of the pants were white. But seriously, everthing else was orange and pink. Or just plain orange. I blame my dad, 'cause he was the one who picked out most of the shirts. I was the who picked the green one. Oh well, they're pretty clothes.

When we waited in the line, though, it took a while for us to get assisted, becuase half of the people at the register were new and pretty much only one guy knew what he was doing and had to help them. So while we waited, I grabbed some pretty hoop earings.

After that, we finally went to the food court and ate. My dad then grabbed some shirts from his favorite brand... at that point I was shopped-out. But my dad wanted me to get some decent shoes (since my sneakers aren't the best quality) so we went to the nearest shoe store and I ended up picking up some black old fashion-like tennis shoes. I like them lots.

Once that was done we made one more stop: at McDonald's to get some vanilla ice-cream on a cone. It was so good! <3 Then we went back home. =D

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

That is very nice of your dad to bring you shopping. I mean, how many dad's bring their daughters shopping - and for clothes? Not many. They mostly say, "That's girl stuff," or something, I bet.

That is odd w/ all the orange and pink shirts. Did you actually want them, or say yes to clothes you didn't want? Never say yes to clothes you don't want, I say. The days of parents choosing your clothes for you are over; help them understand that they can suggest, but you are the final decision. Otherwise, shopping can be un-fun 'cause you get stuff you'll never wear.

But you look good in orange and pink anyway, so whatever.

I find it funny how you says "he grabbed" and "I grabbed." I dunno why. All the "grabbed" is just funny, for some reason. I think it's cause I imagine people just grabbing things really quick in a cartoony-speedy way. Don't ask...@_@

Old fashioned shoes. Sneakers. Cooool.

Icecream! Yum. But ew, I have a cold, icecream is bad for me now...;_;