Friday, February 3, 2006

Thy play is very annoying.

♬ - "Quando, Quando, Quando" - Micheal Bublé & Nelly Furtado

The week is over, finally! And yet, that makes me uneasy. Why? Because the weekend is going to go by faster than a blink and before I know it it's going to be back to the torture we call "school". I'm posting mostly because I'm bored. So pardon me if I don't have any anything really interesting to say...

Um... I'm kind of speechless as what to really talk about. Darn, this is annoying!

Oh! The play. There's something. Well, it's kinda like this... Since this is the 8th grade now, we have to prepare a theatrical play to present at the end of the year. It's sort of their tradition that every 8th grade class has gotta do it. Last year's 8th grade class did it too (and very well, I might add) and now it's our turn, unfortunately. So far we've only read the script of the play this first week. We still haven't officially made a decision on who's going to be who, but some of my classmates already know who they want to be (lucky them! I want to be "nobody").

We also are going to make the clothes for the play. Yes, you heard me right. We, the students, will make them. With a help of a specific teacher, of course. And every week now we're going to have classes to help us prepare for the play and all... I sure didn't like the first class. Not only was I extremely embarrased (I don't like it when all the attention is centered to me), but I also kept on messing up on the stupid words from the script. But anyway...

Oh, and the play is a play by William Shakespeare called "The Winters Tale" (In English, that is. The title in Portuguese is obviously different.)

So yeah... That was something to talk about. Kinda.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Part of me wholly agrees with you about the annoyance of the play (and about the weekends being blinks - you're so right!). I mean, not only do you have to do normal classes and homework, but now they're making you do a play?! And make the costumes? How do they think the costumes will come out good, and how do teachers have time to help if they have to grade stuff already? It strikes me as a huge inconvenient annoyance to all involved.

But on the other hand, I also think it might be fun. You get to dress up! And there might be some really cool character to play. I hate being in plays because of having to memorize lines and having to stand in front of tons of people, BUT, as a writer, I am putting myselves in the shoes of other people - my characters - and have played out scenes before (technically, talking to myself, lol). So that aspect of getting into someone else's head and being someone else for a while can be interesting.

But the fact that you have to be in front of lots of people and memorize lines, that is very annoying; I agree with you on that.

Good luck with the play! Don't be too sulky or you will be labeled as "the annoying pessimist of the bunch," a.k.a. "the complainer." Which is bad title, because everyone hates complaining (unless it's their own, haha).

So just - try not to be too mad about it all the time. Try your best, and darn you, try to pick a GOOD character to be! So that the entire project might be fun in the long run!