Tuesday, June 6, 2006

More blabber

Yay! Today is Tuesday! Now what is so special about Tuesday? Well, after Tuesday is Wednesday. And after Wednesday, it's Thursday--and after that can only come one day: Friday! And what does that mean?! *gasp* After that is weekend!

Yeah, I'm thinking ahead. But trust me! It goes really fast. And that is soo cool in some aspects. But in others, it's kind of lame because then I have to use my time more wisely, hehe.

Anyway... Um, what should I talk about? I guess I shouldn't start with that question... It makes things boring. Then again, I can't help it. I am bored! So obviously I'm going to sound boring...

Um... yeah. I'm think I'm just wasting good space here on my blog lately. Poor thing. ;D

2 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

...v_v BORINGEST post EVER! Great, so you're glad the weekend is coming up! But you could've said that in one sentence! And when you only have a sentence, there isn't any point saying what you have to say in your blog! doof.

But that's ok. We all do silly things.

Tsuu -- Sammy said...

Yeah, yeah. But it's my blog... *pouts* I can't help it if I'm bored out of my skull and therefore do stupid stuff once in a while. =p