Feeling Tired
Listening to ♬ "Something's Gotta Give" - LeAnn Rimes
I don't think I have ever felt so glad that it's Friday. Seriously, I'm exhuasted! And what's more better than it being Friday is that I won't have school on Monday and Tuesday because of some holiday. Can't imagine what it is-- I don't care-- I'm just glad that this time I'll have a longer weekend. Just like I wished a week ago.
What to talk of? This week of school has been very tiring for some reason. After a math test today I've officially realized how horribly pitiful I'm in math. I need to look for some extra help or else I'll be dead by the time for Highschool! And what's worse is that I past the time for doing the test; meaning I took longer than I was supposed to (I wasn't the only one, though..). I wasn't even able to finish the last problem! I basically stumbled over pretty much every question with doubt about if I was doing it right. I just feel bad because my wonderful math teacher don't deserve such a lame math student.
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10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
Oh my God I KNOW how you FEEL! That is EXACTLY, spot-on, for-the-word how I felt last year, and the year before that, in math, about math.
I doubted almost every answers on tests; it was horrible. I left and arrived at my math class with a sense of dread, especially near test time. It really bogs you down to have to work so hard at a subject so difficult doesn't it? I really hate math.
It's good that you have a nice teacher, though. *little smile* *only positive thing she's said entire comment* lol.
Ahh, long weekends...I love 'em! XD
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