Life is like a book. And like every book, it has its chapters.
This year, there were many pages, but today, I came to the last one...
Today was the beginning and ending of many things. For example, today was end of my last school year in Waldorf Micael. The end of the days where I'd see everybody I knew in my school, the end of the daily jokes, pranks, and the laughter with those certain people. My teachers, my classmates, all those familiar people. Now I won't see my friends at my next school next year. I'll have to make a new start... and hopefully be better than before.
The day started out with a apresentation of a small play from the 7th grade. After that, they also sang a song directed to our music teacher, Israel. After that song, almost everybody was in tears. Not only did my music teacher cry, but the 7th grade girls cried and my friends cried. We then apresentated a poem by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the philosophy of our school, and recited the last verse that we always do in the morning. After that verse, that's when I was in tears! Talk about drama.

After that, I didn't cry anymore. I felt better. We went along, had our last Geometry class, ate ice-cream (last day celebration, haha) and had our after class recess/break. That's when we grabbed our school uniform T-shirt, a marker, and made everybody sign it! We were also able to wear black to school for once. Why did we wear black? To mourn. To mourn our losses!
As you can see, I took many pictures.
After recess, we organized all the things we had in our classroom over the years, making sure if there was anything we wanted to take home. While that was happening, we also took group photos. Say cheese!

The last class we had that day, it was replaced with an event we do every end of the year. I guess you'd call it a tradition. Basically, everybody in the school gathers in one place and hold hands. And there's a order to it all; it starts from the kindergardern to the 8th grade-- that's us. So we went through the whole school, being dragged across it, around it, and finally stopping in the sport court. That's where Raimundo, our founder, who just happen's to be also our History teacher, said a small speech, where in the end we would thank whoever it was that gave us the wonderful space that was the school, since we won't ever be able to go back to it because the school is moving to a different location. With saying that, he said-- let us have 1 minute of aplause. And that's what we did! We clapped for one whole minute. :)
After that, it was all hanging around, more pictures, smiles, tears, scribbles on shirts, teacher-hunting, and much walking around the school, as slowely but surely, people went back home.
But despite the goodbyes, it all brings new beginnings. Beginning of a new school, new social life, new challenges, and a whole new chapter. Hopefully I can make it to be fun in the end as well as the beginning of it. And you know what's better? I can still share it with the people I care for.

Brriiing it on, dude.