Monday, December 4, 2006

I couldn't stand it.

I don't what else to say other than...I was sick of the bubble-gummy colors and the later realized excessiveness amount of pink. Seriously! Waay too many pinky tones. It would get anybody irritated after a while. Any sane person who doesn't utterly love pink, that is. 'Funny how someone can like something so much in the beginning, but if abused excessively (in my case, I looked too much at my blog!), will be hated later.

This layout is in tribute to my newest love, Death Note, as well as to my favorite characters, Raito/Light and L. The top images are taken from the manga and edited in Photoshop. I just put whatever texture brush I had available and smacked it on top. Don't you love textures? I think I've grown a new fetish with stripes too. Actually, I've always liked them, but now I like them even MORE. HAHA.<3

I'm in a weird mood right now.

...I'd love to ramble about the spell of love that has been casted upon me in regards to L, but I must refrain. He deserves a post of his own.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

My my, you really ARE obsessed with Death Note~! I really must check it out, eh. But don't nag me about it, because I WILL!

Thank you for changing the layout. It was....ahem, scary, let us say. For ppl who dislike pink as I do. Stripes = awesomeness, yes.

Damn you for knowing how to fiddle in Photoshop, and customize your blogs! I can't do that! I search for HOURS for good blog templates on stuff I like, and here you can whip up one on Death Note like *bam*! *pouts deeply* NO FAIR. >_<