Saturday, February 24, 2007


BLAH is what I feel like in a word. I mean, I'm good and all, but right now... it's just blah. I guess I'm grumpy with the fact that I have lots of homework to do tomorrow. And you know-- I had school on Saturday today, for the 2nd time. And I'll have next Saturday too! But it's something different-- that thankfully won't last very long.

And even though my classes only go from 7 o'clock to 12:30, I still feel it took a lot of my weekend. Like.. half the day! Mornings tend to be my most productive moment, too. >:(

At the end of next month, March, they're already starting the big test that they call ADEM. It's a test that has all the subjects squashed together. Its theme is going to be Global Warming. How ...jolly?

I finished reading the 4th and 5th book of Artemis Fowl, and I must say... I loved the 5th much more. It was just... loads better. The 4th was cool in its own way, I guess, but the whole Artemis being oblivious was kind of a borer. Even after that, I found some bits were a frustrating read. Besides, Artemis switching eyes with Holly totally rocked my socks! Imagine: a cocky little genius smiling charmingly at you with two different eyes. Creepy, but seductive. HAHA.

What is wrong with me? I'm talking about a fictional character here. But, seeing as I have no experience with boys or people in general, haha, I guess fictional is good as it gets. :D No, I'm joking!-- but still. Artemis charmed me from the start, since he was good ol' cheeky 12/11 years old in book 1.

It was amusing to see another whiz and a possible romantic interest come into the picture-- Minerva, is who I mean-- but I have yet to really get a feel for her character. :/ We shall see in book 6. And there better be one! With twins to be expected to wreck havok and all. <3

I have now started reading Twilight. I've only read the first couple pages, and have only gotten as far as the cafeteria where Bella feasts her eyes on the beautiful, mysterious group who she becomes so fascinated by. :D HEHE. Anyway, I'm eager to continue reading it some time tonight.

Other than that... I can't say I feel like talking about much else. <:q
Thanks for readin'.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Emotion is.

The tears that we call salty drops of rain, fall upon my face and taste like minty candy, bitter and sweet on my tongue.

It's rare when there is a movie that makes me cry. In the very few times, I've mostly just had urges to do so-- you know, you get that big lump in your throat and find it hard to speak clearly. In the even fewer times that I have actually cried, it was either when I watched that movie of Selena's life, and well, I was a young child, and even more sensitive than now, so obviously I cried-- Or when I saw "Meet Joe Black."

Now, I have seen that movie several times. I think the first time I ever saw it was way back when I must have been younger than 10 years old, therefore my mom kicked me out when they came to the sex scene by the fancy pool. BUT, that aside, it's just one of those touching romance stories with a bitter sweet ending. And I may have almost cried a little at the first couple times I've seen the movie, but this time, today, it was different.

Like any person, I cried at the ending where Joe, Susan, and her father all say "good-bye". But what made me really cry was the scene of Susan and her father hugging, dancing with eachother, and just saying things like "I love you, no regrets, and everything will be fine." It touched me, but even more than that, made me realize how much I love my dad and how I much I would feel if he would go, which some day he will, like everybody on this planet. Just the thought makes me want to cry again.

It's silly, really. I suppose I always had some kind of admiration and love for my dad, even though, before I started only living with my dad, I wasn't that close with him. Now, after these 2 years, he's become more than my father, but also my best friend. And as much as I love my mother so much, I can't help but wonder if I would feel more sad or less. I guess I shouldn't think of it that way, since in the end... I love both of my parents dearly.

Sometimes I feel embarrassed to admit it, but I have been always attached to my parents. I remember whenever I'd try to sleep over at someone's house, it'd be unlikely for me to stay the whole night, because once it dawned one me that I would not be saying good night to my parents, nor seeing them right away the next morning, I started to almost panic. I'd start crying like a poor little 5 year old, (only this went on till I was 10 or something). Even when I said good-bye as they would drop me off, it'd seem as if I was going on a long trip to another place far, far away, and it'd be a while till I'd see them again.

It was that bad.

Even now, I sometimes experience such a feeling when saying "see you later," if I'm going to stay longer than just the day at someone else's house. Of course, there would be no crying and I'd actually stay over the night and after with no problem.

But anyway, that's just one of my many odd problems or insecurities. Life's crazy like that. ;) I just felt like letting that whole "me love me dad so much!" thing. 'Hope I didn't sound too dramatic, or like a drama-queen.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A girl's silly mind

What do you do at school when you are trying to kill time while waiting for someone and you've already had your full amount of junk food and juice, and tired of just sitting around staring aimlessly?

You watch a bunch of teenagers trying to play soccer in their class of P.E.

Or at least, that's what I did. I had no choice. It was better than staring at the homework I had to do, or at other people eating and passing by. At least it was something to actually watch-- not that I was actually paying atenttion to the game.

No, well, before the few 40 seconds that I stood there, I was actually trying to understand who was winning. So far, nobody.

But then, to my very charming luck, as I stood there watching, one of the current "players" happened to get close to the goal where I was behind, and he glanced over his shoulder to see who the heck was watching this thing they called soccer. It was at that moment that, of course, I saw his face.

It was very puurdy-- handsome, to say the least. To my sudden amusement, I had to mentally grin to myself at this new discovery.

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture, so I can only use words as an attempt to explain how he looked. He probably was in the 11th or 12th grade (U.S. thinking), since he had broad shoulders and just a more mature appearance.

Imagine Tom Welling from Smallville, only with dark thick eyebrows, in-the-eyes straight black hair, blue eyes but... more manly and less girly. ( Don't get me wrong. Tom Welling is no girl. He's just prettyboy-y which tend to have some funky girly feel to them sometimes. If I do not make NO SENSE whatsoever, I understand. Do not feel obliged to get what I say.)

Now, as you can imagine, I didn't really pay attention so much on the game. At that point, I just sat there and in between watching the game, I tried my best to get a better view of his face. Obviously, I didn't stare too long for him to actually notice. Not that he would actually notice, since he was too concentrated on the game, ha ha.