Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Emotion is.

The tears that we call salty drops of rain, fall upon my face and taste like minty candy, bitter and sweet on my tongue.

It's rare when there is a movie that makes me cry. In the very few times, I've mostly just had urges to do so-- you know, you get that big lump in your throat and find it hard to speak clearly. In the even fewer times that I have actually cried, it was either when I watched that movie of Selena's life, and well, I was a young child, and even more sensitive than now, so obviously I cried-- Or when I saw "Meet Joe Black."

Now, I have seen that movie several times. I think the first time I ever saw it was way back when I must have been younger than 10 years old, therefore my mom kicked me out when they came to the sex scene by the fancy pool. BUT, that aside, it's just one of those touching romance stories with a bitter sweet ending. And I may have almost cried a little at the first couple times I've seen the movie, but this time, today, it was different.

Like any person, I cried at the ending where Joe, Susan, and her father all say "good-bye". But what made me really cry was the scene of Susan and her father hugging, dancing with eachother, and just saying things like "I love you, no regrets, and everything will be fine." It touched me, but even more than that, made me realize how much I love my dad and how I much I would feel if he would go, which some day he will, like everybody on this planet. Just the thought makes me want to cry again.

It's silly, really. I suppose I always had some kind of admiration and love for my dad, even though, before I started only living with my dad, I wasn't that close with him. Now, after these 2 years, he's become more than my father, but also my best friend. And as much as I love my mother so much, I can't help but wonder if I would feel more sad or less. I guess I shouldn't think of it that way, since in the end... I love both of my parents dearly.

Sometimes I feel embarrassed to admit it, but I have been always attached to my parents. I remember whenever I'd try to sleep over at someone's house, it'd be unlikely for me to stay the whole night, because once it dawned one me that I would not be saying good night to my parents, nor seeing them right away the next morning, I started to almost panic. I'd start crying like a poor little 5 year old, (only this went on till I was 10 or something). Even when I said good-bye as they would drop me off, it'd seem as if I was going on a long trip to another place far, far away, and it'd be a while till I'd see them again.

It was that bad.

Even now, I sometimes experience such a feeling when saying "see you later," if I'm going to stay longer than just the day at someone else's house. Of course, there would be no crying and I'd actually stay over the night and after with no problem.

But anyway, that's just one of my many odd problems or insecurities. Life's crazy like that. ;) I just felt like letting that whole "me love me dad so much!" thing. 'Hope I didn't sound too dramatic, or like a drama-queen.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Its 12 in the morning, so pardon any coherency and typing issues I may have. I was wiating for something to download.

'nyway...you don't sound like a drama queen at all. You are expressing what is in the heart of everyone - this love, and this human fear of losing those you love, and this realizing that they are so very precious, that even amoment away is frightening, and sad, because it is a moment away from these fantastic ipeople that you just want to spend so much time with.

I am very happy to hear that you love your dad so much, and that it's not been too tough these past 2 years. I've worried about you, you know, but you're really shy, and quiet, and soft on the edges, not so tough (sorry), so I didn't want to ask and make you feel bad. Even if you said, "no it's fine," I didn't want to feel like maybe you'd walk away from the computer sad after talking to me.

Now I must watch this film, "Meet JOe Black." I think I have, but I can't remember anything about it. I personally enjoy it when a movie makes me feel, so I have cried quite a couple times during movies. But I know what you mean sometimes, that the taers dont come but you feel the lump and all.

Don't feel silly about the staying overnight thing. I slept in the bed with my mom till I was ten or eleven, and I thought monsters were in my closet before that. Also, I remember people complaining because for a long time I wouldn't sleep in total darkness. I would always have a lamp or anight light on. Even now sometimes, before I sleep, the shadows can be creepy.

As for that feeling of not wanting to stay away from the parents too long, I understand that too. It has taken me a long time to be able to be away from my mother for weeks on end up in Badger, or wherever I may be. I felt very homesick the month I was in Germany last summer, and when my mom was in Minnesota visiting relatives the past couple of years, I hated being around the house with only one parent, and not two. You should consider it a huge achievement to have been able to cope with that; I don't think I'd be able to, even now, even if my dad is a phone call away, having my mom and stepdad around at the same time, it's been like that for me for years.

But don't worry. It's a thing that slowly eases off, this fear, and eventually you can be by yourself without a parent at all, for a long time. I still can't believe I'm managing it now, myself, here at college. If it wasn't for being surrounded by so many great people, I'd be a ball of tears. It's the company you hang with in the absence of parents that makes the fear slip away, really. Otherwise, it's not worth it, because that comfort level of home and by parents is so high, why leave it? So to leave it, it has to be wroth it.

God, sorry for the rambling. It's just, your post was one of your more emotional posts that I really find interesting (here is where a voice in my head says, "take psychology!"). So I had to reply to it lengthily...because I can relate to these feelings you're expressing. :)

THE END. lol.