Saturday, March 10, 2007


Today I was lucky. Lucky to escape the Fisics test I was so dreading. Lucky to bump into Iago at the mall across from my school, lucky to meet up with Cristina, someone who is now living out of the city, nearly 2 hours away. Lucky to have such a nice room, lucky to be able to decorate it, lucky to have the opportunity to go to a good school, even if it is strict (a lot of homework and studying required). I am lucky. Very lucky.

And yet I always have something to complain about, AHA-HA! So please, beware of next posts!

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

So in other words, you are lucky, but you plan to rant and complain in the next posts? lol. XD I know how you feel.

I am lucky, too. *big sigh* lucky that I have two weeks to revise my crappy essay (I am working on it right now). Lucky to be going to a good school, with a lovely campus. Lucky to have made such great friends. Lucky that I am getting a break from school soon. Lucky that my parents found a house to buy. Lucky that the house is a good house. Lucky lucky lucky...

It is dificult sometimes to remember our luckiness, and be grateful for what we have. There is always something lacking, something we want more of, or less of. So frustrating!

I know how you feel. But thinking of my own luckiness did make me feel a bit better...I like your plant picture.