I am being offered free candy.
Obviously, you’d take it, right?
When I say “candy”, I don’t mean it literally. I mean free
Japanese classes on Saturday at school! When we were told that, all I could do was think: “I gotta take these.” But thinking about it more-- it’d be a risk. Right now my grades are so-so, depending on the subject. I think I’ll only be able to take something like extra courses only after I get my grades up to a steady pace. And that is really dissapointing…. I mean, the teacher looked really cool. She’s young, in her early twenty’s or young, fluent in Japanese, and seems to have a cool style. Young, hip, and into Japanese culture. What could be better?
So yeah. I guess I’ll have to ask for more information till I can decide to enroll... But it’s almost more than certain that I probably won’t be able to do it right now. ;((
1 said miss mademoiselle:
DO IT! DOITDOITDOITDOIT! Do it ANYWAY~! Who cares about the grades? This is your chance! Seize the dream! You've been wanting to learn it for ages! Heck, I want to learn Japanese, now you get the opportunity and you're not taking it? Take it. Stop bieng so grown up and practical. You want to learn, learn! It will be worth giving up some Saturday time. You can always back out if it doesn't work out. And it probablay WILL, because you'll love it so much that you'll do good in the class.
Please go for it! Please!
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