I'll be frank. My final tests are done. But I'll only get the official grades on Saturday. So until then, I'm not sure if I'll have extra classes next week, and then a test in the end of July-- all depends on my grades on certain subjects. But then again, why bother talking about that? After all, it's done! History.
Either way, during this time of vacation, I want to set some goals. Just so I don't dwadle and stare while doing nothing productive. So here they are:
1. I shall at least once a week try to cook a meal.
2. Do 1 sketch a day.
3. Progress in writing ( the Katherine story, lol.)
4. Maybe cut my hair? :D
5. When I wake up, instead of going to the computer, take a shower.
And... anything else shall manifest itself soon. In the end, these goals are just to keep me busy. Silly as they may be, they're something to focused on, plus something to post about since I really miss blogging! And now it's 11 o'clock (almost) and I should really go to bed now... So, see you!
Hopefully I can conjure something more interesting to talk about some time soon, maybe tomorrow who knows! ;P
Avalanche Software Art Blog - Moving to Tumblr!
10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
I love your goal list! What a very good idea! Man, Idid that when my summer started, and I haven't completed many of my goals at all! I have not been writing madly on my novel-length stories, and I have only learned to cook one more thing, and have had less exercise than I should.
All of your goals sound good. I especially understand the not-going-to-computer one. I do that a lot. That is why I have not gone outside today! It is so bad. But that is because somehow in the city I find myself less entertained than in the country. When I was in Badger and was 12, there were places to explore. Here in Visalia, I have to drive to get anywhere interesting, and there just isn't enough to do at home.
Anyway, that's me little complainty rant for the day. sorry.
I hope you did good on the tests! The drawing once a day is very good. I have not seen any of your drawings in ages!!
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