Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Listening to: "Wait A Minute" - Pussycat Dolls

I must mention this adorable game. It is a fan made, mini-flash pixel-like game based on the popular shoujo manga called NANA. For some wonderful reason, the site that made it, who also translates scans of the manga, decided to give us net surfers some fun as well. As I am a huge NANA fan, I squealed at the greatness of it all. The game is so cute!! Unfortunately there is the one last little mini game in it that I cannot complete. Buuah. It's one of those games where you have to find all of the items he asked for in the room, and I can't find the darn last one! /;o;/

Go the heart to check it out--> <3

0 said miss mademoiselle: