Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just one more thing... (27th of Jan)

I forgot to mention this before, but our next door neighbor is an american!

Just this morning, though, after eating breakfast on the “porch” (that looks out to the yard), he overheard us talking as he was going out with his girlfriend—so before he left, he decided to take the chance and strike a conversation and introduce himself and his girlfriend. It was so cool!!

Not that I said much—mostly my dad was talking—but it was so cool! I miss americans, you see. So having one so close is so cool.

Ahem. His name is Tom, if my memory is correct—and his girlfriend (who is Brazilian) is Silvia. But I might just have to ask again next time.

Tom is teaches at an international school out of the city. He said he has lived here for 5 months so far, at the duplex next to us. We’re only staying for 2 months, though, until we find a permanent place… But he was all: “Neighbors for 2 months at least!” He said he’s from Wisconsin, and lived a bit in San Diego as well.

Sadly they were both wearing sunglasses. I don’t like it when people wear sunglasses while having a conversation with another person. It’s off putting to me, because it’s as if you can’t see their reaction, as if behind some mysterious mask—which is okay—but it makes me even more nervous than I already normally ‘am sometimes when talking to people.

Tom’s girlfriend even invited me along with them to go to the beach, but my dad and myself have some plans to go to do some errands… I felt bad saying no, but it would have been akward if I had went with them just now, either way.

Now that my giddy-ness has slightly weared off, I think I shall go play some KH: Chains of Memories. I’m in the land of Agrabah…and I will have to battle against the annoying Jafar. Aladdin was my favorite of all Disney tales—and it still has some sweet memories to me. ( I even own the movie “Aladdin & the 10,000 thieves” (or something like that.) on video cassete still, lol.)

This is another reason why Kingdom Hearts is so awesome. You get to almost re-live your childhood, if you happened to be a fan of Disney at the time. It’s so cute. <3 *has been acting like such a kid lately*

…Maybe I’ll have to go shopping already this morning. (Actually it’s nearly noon!) So.. yeah—I’m off!

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Hi Tsuu girl! Man, I haen't checked on your blog FOREVER, I'm so sorry! After I was chidding you for not commenting on mine, gah, I do the same. Stupid! *slaps forehead* Sorry. My only excuse is stupid homework. Gah.

I'm so glad you are doing well! That is pretty awesome that you met some Americans, you sound pretty excited. I'm glad. :)

I've heard that KH: Chain of Memories is crap, and thus I did not buy it. COnsidered it,though.

I'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel. Know them?

Gah, I hope my friend got my Michael Buble's new CD for Xmas...still haven't gotten it yet...I'm so tempted to buy it, but what if she bought it for me?

Remember that BOllywood movie Kabhie Khushie Kabhie Gham? I'm buying it, 'cause I rented it adn watched it and LOVED it. It's hecka long, but it made me laugh and cry. I REALLY love it. Gah!! *love*

I need an on-campus job. My old boss ran out of budget, so I don't have that awesome job anymore. So I'm hoping to get a new one, 'cause I want to buy stuff. Argh.

Check out my blog sometime when you've the time! Hope to see you on Yahoo sometime!
