Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's bloody hot outside!

Seriously. I'm tempted to get my bikini top on. For now I just rolled up my shirt and made a knot. But anyway... Today has been frustrating so far. I went out to go to the Juizado de Menores, which is the place where you get permission, being a minor, for certain things, like in my case, for traveling outside the country. We had brought all the papers except a birth certificate. See, the smart people who made the new Brazilian passports decided to not put the parents names in it, so in other words, it leaves no proof that my parents are my real parents. So we simply had to go back home and hopefully today we'll be going back there to get it done and over with.

I was able to talk to a cute guy in one of the office booths, though. *-* I mean, I just needed to go back and ask a few questions, just to make sure that there wasn't anything else we need to do. But the man we talked to was on the phone, and the charming man on the table was kindly asking me if I needed anything, and so I asked him the questions and couldn't help but feel relieved afterwards, thinking Aaah, it was worth the frustration just now..

Yes, yes.. Silly me.

And now I'm wondering if I should stop this post now and get my things ready so I can maybe sleep over at Cristina's. But I'm feeling really lazy. I'll post some more in a few days when I don't have much. Or rather... anything to do. Because I don't have much to do, yet I have something to do. So yeah.

I miss my blog ;_; Oh, and I've gotten rid of my cold! YAY! And more thing--> I saw a awesome movie called Almost Famous, and it's just so cool and sweet and gaah I loved it. So funny too. You must watch it!

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

I miss your blog, too! ;_; hehehe. I have heard of this "Almost Famous" and now am more intrigued because of your recommendation.

I hope you get to go to Cristina's, and good luck with the passport-y stuff.

ooh, Mr. Good-looking at the place, that's exciting! :D ooohh. heeehee! I love when that sort of thing happens. Makes everything more interesting. Frustration worth it, indeed. ;)