OK, so I've taken almost another month to post something again. I'm not going to really apologize -- I just either don't feel like delving into my own feelings and little problems that life is throwing at me OR I am too lazy to write about mundane things.
Even so, I feel like I have neglected this blog which still holds a sentimental place in my heart. Wow, what a thing to say about a blog-- a tiny space of the internet that populates my nonsensical ramblings.
I get short bursts of urges to blog when I'm sad mostly. At that moment, I am feeling a strong emotion that I want to express in words, but I am also too sad or embarrassed to express it.
Everybody cries. But for what felt like the longest time, I was bewildered by my own tears. It's easier to understand yourself when you cry for a particular reason, but once in a while I get the urge to cry for no reason at all. Sometimes it's just seconds, and sometimes I spend several moments. Sometimes the emotion is quick to disappear, but now and then it feels like several emotions consume me at once and they lead me to crying.
It's not like I'm actually depressed -- but nonetheless I felt for a while that I was a weirdo for getting these strange sparks of strong emotions out of the blue. Thankfully I had a talk with my dad a couple days ago about this and he was nice enough to reassure me that it isn't unusual to have these moments when growing up. He said that we are here to feel these emotions.
I thought these moments only tend to last till the end of puberty, but I guess I was wrong!
Do you ever have these moments?
Avalanche Software Art Blog - Moving to Tumblr!
10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
Yes, I do. Sudden emotional moments...with little to no explanation. I don't get them a lot, but it has been known to happen.
Growing up is tough. We go through so many transitions. Change is flopping us back and forth like fish, and we have to make ourselves breathe or we're just gasping there feeling like death...ugh.
lol sorry for the morbid analogy and imagery! I guess I've been kinda bummed lately, too....joblessness sucks!
Anyway, I hope you feel better. There is nothing wrong with crying. It helps get it out, even if you don't know what you are getting out.
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