Saturday, September 10, 2005

I have a thing for angels...

I got my journal. Okay, so technically it ain't a journal, because in fact it's actually an agenda. But the journals they had (which looked really babyish) were ridiculously expensive. The agendas were much more cheaper. Besides, the cover is simply adorable. It's of a little red-headed angel boy playing a gutair, with the cutest wings I've ever seen. Maybe I'll write some before I go to bed to start! =D

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Yay, you got a journal! Awesome. Wish you could scan in the journal cover so I could see that little red-head angels!

I like angels, too. Except not your traditional angels in white robes with serene looking faces. I like the interesting, different sort of angels. Like the art of samhain at, she has one cool angel character who's not your normal angel.

Speaking of angels, makes me want to continue writing that guardian angel story that you liked so much. If only I could get inspired and pick up the plot again! Every time I sit in front of the screen to write that, though, I come up with blanks. Whereas with my fantasy story, I know where I'm going more. I should start writing chapter outlines for my guardian angel story like I do with my fantasy story (the one with Phen and Emna, you know the one).

Anyway, thanks for sharing! Good luck with writing your stories (w/o Writer's Sparks, unfortunately)!