Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's a dream come true~

At school this morning one of the first things Cristina told me was that she saw FF: AC available for rent at DistriVídeo. My first reaction was: Are you serious??? She was. It turned out she had only seen it at their website, but even that was hard to believe.

So I went to the website to get my own proof. Behold... it's true. O___O I get to see it before all thos people in US...♥ *does a little dance*

Oh, and sorry about the lack of interesting posts. Haven't had that much to say lately.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

FF 7, awesome! I'm not as huge a fan as you and I forget the character's names and don't play it like a play Zelda games, but FF is cool, so I'm glad for you that you got it early! But I'm not envious. *self-satisfied smirk*

Your handwriting looks sloppy on the pic, lol! No offense. And the date, they did a typo! Instead of typing 09/20/2005 they typed 20/09/2005!