Hot milk has got to be one of the best things to warm you up. Besides hot chocolate, I mean. I think hot milk is better, though. You're wondering why I'm drinking such a thing in such a warm and tropical place, right? Well, it just so happens to be freezing. I'm serious! It's sooo windy.
My dad's car is in the shop, so for the past 3 or 4 days (weekend not included) I've had to take a taxi to get to school and back. With a taxi driver I trust, of course, but it has its unconviences. Like, I can't go anywhere after school. v__v And that especially doesn't help since I'm paranoid that I won't be able to buy this week's edition of X/1999. So far I have been able to collect them, starting from edition 15, so I don't want to miss any!
Talking with my mom over iChat has been weird. It's cool in some ways, but sometimes it feels plain awkward. I only got to talk to her for about a minute when I got back from school today, and I wanted to ask her permission about something, but then she had to go! It sucks... -__-

As you can see, I've only done the base colors, so it doesn't look like much. I haven't even finished the basic shapes yet.
Ugh, I have a headache. I shall eat something now. Tootles!
1 said miss mademoiselle:
I've wondered sometimes how they do the CGs. I figured it must be hard since the end results look so good, and the artists at Elfwood and DeviantArt that do CGs are pros.
But you're doing a CG, cool! And it doesn't look that hard; I like how it turned out so far, I'm impressed that you've got the shapes and colors pretty accurately down.
Aeris I've heard a lot about. She's pretty. Never heard Zack; Cloud is cooler. Too bad you didn't get to talk to your mom more! But that's how it is on chat sometimes. Maybe you 2 should send emails instead?
Anyway, check my blog, I posted and will post again tomorrow - pictures!
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