Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Talking beavers!

I saw The Chronicles of Narnia today at the theaters with Cristina (plus her mom, younger sister, and a friend of her's I don't know.) But we had to see it dubbed in portuguese, because her little sister can't read that well I guess, so she wouldn't be able to read the subtitles... Anyway, the movie was good. Okay, it was very good. Heck, I thought it was pretty great. =D

The only real downside of the whole "going to the theaters" thing was that my dad and me ended up waiting for Cristina and peeps almost an hour later then she had planned to me up with me. OK, maybe it wasn't an hour, but it sure felt long! At first I was really annoyed (and my dad got annoyed at some point at the beginning as well), but then once I saw her (finally) I couldn't help but smile in relief. I just felt and continue to feel really bad that my dad waited with me all that time, when he really had a lot of work to do-- and it's a deadline. He's still working and I continue to feel bad... but in reality it wasn't my fault. Either way, I feel bad...

Wanna know one of the things I don't really like about going to the theaters? It's that even if your movie may start early, like 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, the movies are always long and end around 5 to 7 o'clock in the evening. And then I think that I could have done so many other things in that quite large span of time. And that sucks. *pout*

I'd give more details on the movie, only I'm a bit tired, so what I said earlier'll have to be enough. But one of the things I really liked about the movie was the music. The soundtrack, I mean. Or whoever was singing those pretty medieval-ish songs.

And I guess that's that.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

MEDIEVAL-ISH SONGS?! OMG, now I REALLY can't wait to see it! I LOVE medieval-ish songs! *dances a happy dance* Yay!

Anyway, thank you for not talking much about it except to say it was good, because I want to see it soon, hopefully Friday or Sunday. I'm glad you enjoyed it! That makes me even happier I get to see it.

I know how you feel about movies taking time. Sometimes when I sit down to watch a movie, I wonder, "Gosh, why am I doing this? I could do so much more in 2 hours instead of watching this." But hey, sometimes there are good movies you just really want to watch, so you gotta sacrifice the time. It's worth it when it's a good movie like Narnia.

That IS too bad that your dad had to wait and has a deadline. But too late to do anything now, and it's better than standing alone waiting for Christina yourself. I wish your dad luck on the deadline! Just tell Christina next time to not be so late and make her understand (but nicely), and then all you can do is hope for better next time. :D