Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Another one!

This is supposed to be a drawing/sketch (turned out messy) of Sophie Hatter, from Howl's Moving Castle. It doesn't really look like her, though. Just a little. But at least I tried! *sniff* Seriously, she deserves better fanart...

click on it, okay?

Anyway, I'm happy with the general look of it-- if I ignored the fact that it's supposed to be Sophie. I struggled for so long on the eyes. I drew and erased them 6 times or something. And I'm still not entirely happy with them! Especially if I were to consider Sophie's personality and overall appearance. But oh well. v_v

Hope you like it! Coming up next: Howl! >D

P.S. Sorry that all my recent posts are just sketch posts and embarrassingly scary rants... If you've had those phases where you have nothing to talk about or just don't want to talk about anything of importance, you know how it is. So that's me.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Yeah, I know how that is.

I like your drawings, it's good that you're drawing, I think. In fact, I should be drawing more myself. I haven't seen the Howl movie, but as far as I can tell your drawing looks pretty close to how the girl looks. Good job! :D

I really look forward to seeing your drawing of HOwl, the blonde dude, because he was my fave in the movie preview.

Happy drawing! I'm glad you're posting more often.