Friday, January 20, 2006


I just... I finally finished my Kadaj shrine-- after getting off of my lazy butt, of course! And now I'm aching to get off of the computer. So please, just go and take a peek and don't make me say anything else. ;_;

It's not much~

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

I really love your website, and am very impressed and jealous that you know how to make such a one (although part of it is because you have the good-quality programs for it and your dad's help).

Your links to yourself, Tsuu, and Kabalarian, btw, don't work. But I really love your analysation of Kadaj and just the whole "The Man" section is really, really great.

The little pics to the side, I wish that they were thumbnails that I could click on; the fact that they aren't disappointed me a little.

Oh, and your main pic that's always at the top - I love it!

I look forward to the "Eye Candy" section! ;D

Tips: I believe overpowered is one word, not over powered, like you put on yourhomepage.

Also, I noticed some errors; instead of doing the proper "---," you put the commas outside of your "" marks, as well as some periods. But the way it works is comma and periods inside of "" and (). So just take a note of that. For future reference.

Anyway, overall - great side! I look forward to you adding more to it. The gray is a tad to read - if you made it light grey, like your headline on homepage (the "He was over powered by obssession" part), than it would be much easier to read. Then you could make your links and headings the dark grey, instead, perhaps. Just a suggestion. Oh! And please make a guestbook. So I can comment on your site as it progresses. :D