Sunday, November 26, 2006

Death Note? A new obsession, perhaps?

Death Note is a story, in manga or in anime, that I have always been curious about, but never had the courage to actually read or watch it. Coincidentally I came across some screenshots of the anime today, which made me even more curious, so I searched for it on You Tube. And I found it... Still not convinced if I should watch it or not, I read a review of the manga, which gave me the gist of the story. The review reassured me, so I watched the 1st episode.

And I liked it. It totally creeped me out.

The first thing that I noticed was the subtle background music that made a slight creepy atmosphere. The animations is also very nicely done. Besides that, the voice actor who does Raito Yagami, one of the main characters in the beginning, sounds like Tamaki from Ouran Host Club. I know, it's strange, but it does! And after seeing the whole episode, I am sure of it! That's awesome! <3

Not to mention that there are some creepy and complex characters taking place here. Despite that, they don't cease to be charming, like Ryuk, a shinigami, or a demon of death. He's actually funny!

The ending of the 1st episode kind of creeped me out the most, though. Light is waaay twisted, and for once I am not swooning over such a character at first sight. He's cool, but morbid. Good-looking, but not as cool as someone like Kadaj. <3 XD But who knows. Maybe there's chance I'll like him more later...

P.S. I only didn't explain the story since I expect you guys to take a look at the review, har har.

[EDITED: Just saw the 2nd episode. It is comfirmed. I am hooked. <3 ]

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Lol your tone in this post makes me laugh. You're not sure if you're hooked, you're like, ehhh, bad guy is evil so evil I'm not sure if I like him, blah blah...and then BOOM. At the Edit, you're hooked! XD that made me laugh.

I am intrigued. Will check out this manga, yep yep, and the anime on YouTube! Go YouTube for making stuff available for free! Yay!

I'll look at that review, too.