Monday, January 29, 2007

1st day at AB.

I was expecting something a bit more extreme, I'll admit it. I was really nervous the day before, as it suddenly dawned that Monday would be my starting day of school-- at Espaço Aberto-- new school, new people, new teachers, new teaching method, etc.

I thought nobody really wouldn't talk to me, as I found my classroom on the second floor, 1B, and found a seat not too far in the back and not too far in the front. Boys joked and girls screamed hysterically as all former 8th grade students reunited and greeted eachother. Finally, the teacher arrived, A.K.A my new Portuguese Grammer teacher and she gave a basic FYI about what we were going to learn and review this year. She seemed nice n' cheerful.

The next class after that was Math, who, from what I could see, was the type of guy who takes things pretty seriously and doesn't tolerate much goofing off. He was all-- "Look guys, I am picky, to those who don't already know me." What could that possibly mean? It's daunting--especially for me who basically sucks at math! He also did not pity us when it came to giving out exercises and homework on the first day of class. He went right to it; I wrote 9 pages worth of algebric expressions he wrote on the board. And when he gave us one of our last exercises to do-- he went: "Trust me, guys, I am going slow today." And all I could think of was... if this is "slow" what is it like when he's fast? I don't want to have to find out.

The last teacher we got to know today was our Biology teacher. He, well, least to say, was really cool. A young guy in his early twenty's, maybe, since he said he had a fiancé-- he was not shy at all. Not to mention really funny and great at cracking jokes! He said: "I'm sorry, guys, for talking so much. I'm just kind of crazy, you know? I didn't take my medication today." He also said that he believes in the whole thing with having friendships with his students-- and if you ever needed to talk to him, either in class or out, he'd be totally open to it. Which was nice. All I know for sure is that he really made me laugh. And I can't help but like people who make me laugh!

Unfortunately, since our Biology teacher confused the shifts, we ended up being stuck with 4 math classes in one day, whereas, the actual schedule was supposed to have been this:
-- Portuguese Grammer
-- Biology
-- Biology
-- Math
-- Math

Oh well. Thankfully next math class is only on Friday.
Next classes for tomorrow shall be:
1. Philosophy
2. Geography (2 classes)
3. Ethics
4. Chemistry
Sounds interesting enough, no?

Luckily for me, someone actually did talk to me. One girl from my class almost imediateley invited me to tag along with her and her other friends after the first class was over. She was the only one who actually attempted to have a conversation, though. Anybody else who said hello, well, just said that. Hello and "a pleasure". Which I know sounds old fashioned, but that's normal here. Anyway, she was nice. We'll see how it goes tomorrow...

From what I could estimate, there are were/are only 2 breaks-- both 10 minutes each, where you can go to the bathroom, or grab a snack at the snack bar.... or just try not to bump into the cowds, lol.

All in all, it wasn't so bad as I thought it'd be. It just sucked waiting for my dad to pick me up, that's all. What with the warm uniform in the hot sun and my backpack dangling on my shoulder. But it was me who was being stubborn and waiting outside in the sun, so whatever...

Oh, and they also explained the whole test system there. Which I prefer not to talk about now, 'cause it's just daunting. Let's just hope I survive tomorrow, ahem.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Oh my god, the weather's HOT THERE!!!! AUUUGGH, NO FAAIIR!!!!


I am really glad that you have such cool teachers, although I automatically already have a grudge against the math teacher because 1) he teaches math and 2) he sounds mean! I hate it when teachers are all, "this is going to be a tough class, I'm not an easy teacher" blah blah thing. My Algebra 2 teacher last year of HS was like that, and I didnt like him. Talk about discouraging! Jeez!

Your Biology (? The funny young man with the fiancee) teacher sounds funny. Wish I could meet him! lol, good joke.

That is nice that the girl invited you to tag along. I hope that ends up being a cool group of friends! I think it awesome that they have Philosophy and Ethics there, since that seems more of a college subject to me. Too bad you got stuck with so much math! ~waah.

10 min. break between classes? I hope this includes a substantial lunch time! 10 min. for lunch is NOT cool!

I'm sure you'll survive. *biggrin*