Saturday, May 5, 2007

What is more romantic...

• "Miss You - M-Flo ft. Melody and Yamamoto Ryohei

Morning or Night? Most people find the night the most romantic, but I'm 100% morning person.
The morning is the start of a new day. It's uplifting most of the time, refreshing, inspiring. :D

I'm bored out of my skull right now, sorry.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

I have to disagree with you, sorry. I am not a morning person. I can understand a little bit the appeal of morning freshness, but the night! Night is romantic and seductive. It is about touch and feeling, because you can't see. It is about facing the fears in the dark. I wander around a lot in the dark outside on campus (don't worry, there are lamplights), and...there's something mystical and fascinating about the night. It's hypnotizing, and curious, and, I should write a poem about it!