Yet me being me, I was fascinated by the characters and plot. And even though the protagonist is someone who in real life we'd fear and hate, just like in a movie-- you come to grow close to even the most rotten characters. You become attached, rooting for their happiness somewhere, even though you know that they'll meet their fall eventually, like they should, at least.
I guess one of the reasons why I continued to watch Death Note despite the sometimes intense/brutal parts, is that it remains a piece of art. If this was made into a big production movie with realistic people playing the roles, maybe it would be a bit more effective, as far as rousing any disgust to the violence. (Yeah, so what if there's already a movie. It looks silly.) But then again... there are loads of horror movies and others that manage to bring out loads of heavy violence, which makes Death Note pale in comparison.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm sad the story ended. But strangley enough, I'm satisfied by how it ended. And even comparing the slightly different way it ends in the manga to how it ends in the anime, I am much happier with how it ends in the anime. Which is very strange, since normally the manga, being the original story, is what I tend to prefer. But I find the ending of the anime more appropriate. The manga's ending probably has its reasons for ending the way it did, but for some reason... I can't warm up to it.
This is also the first time I'm happy with an ending, in regards to series that I really come to love. It leaves you sad that it ended, but kind of happy and satisfied. Those are my feelings anyway.
(Gosh, i never realized how much I could ramble.)
KUDOS TO AN AWESOME STORY AND GREAT ARTWORK AND ANIMATION! <3 <3<3<3 Many hugs to the creator. I shall keep this one in my treasured collection.
2 said miss mademoiselle:
Oh god, I love Death Note. LOVE it to pieces!
I'm happy to see you posting about it. Your post is vague, lol, but taht's not to spoil anything.
I HAVE NOT reached the ending yet, in the manga or the anime. I kinda stopped watched the anime and have been reading the manga online and at Borders, but I suppose I shall start watching the anime again - I'll probably skip a few episodes and get closer to where I am in the manga right now.
Let's just say...I know who dies. It's so sad! I can't believe he died! You know who I'm talking about. I love Kira, even though he's evil. I was SO SO HAPPY, when after forfeiting the Death Note and forgetting about it, he regained it and got his memory back, EVEN THOUGH it would mean he was evil again. I feel the power when Kira feels the power, you know? It's great like that. He is so evil, but the author does an excellent job at making one sympathize with Light Yagami.
As for the Death Note movie - it's a lot less exciting than the anime (I've watched only the 1st; there is a 2nd Death Note movie and I haven't watched it yet because I don't know how Death Note ends and don't want the movie to spoil it for me). BUT, I WOULD advise Bit-TOrrenting Death Note movie 1 and watching it, JUST BECAUSE the guy who plans L does a FANTASTIC JOB! He's really hilarious. And the way Light and L meet in the movie is different, and kinda interesting. The guy who plays Light Yagami is OK, but not evil enough for me.
You should watch it. Give it a chance. It's funny sometimes when it shouldn't be...dull at times...but god, L is frikking great. Whoever plays him is a good actor, he really got the character DOWN. The eating, the hair, the weird mannerisms that we love in L, they are all in L of the Death Note movie. :D :D
Posting again, now that I've read your post on the end, and the ending of both the manga and anime (watched).
You've already heard my thoughts on it. But it's interesting to see what YOU were thinking right when you finished! Cool!
You are right about it being thought provoking, I think, and about if it were real-life in a (serious) movie, it would be more able to disgust the reader/viewer.
And you are oh-so-right, I also think, about how complex and intriguing the characters are! And Light, even if he is evil.
You know I disagree with you about the anime ending versus the manga ending, but that's all I've to say on that.
Lastly - who cares if you ramble? It's YOUR blog, you're entitled to say however much you want. So don't feel bad.
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