"Live for today, we'll dream tomorrow
We've got big plans in sight
We'll take this city, and by nightfall
the bright lights are calling "
--> "Time & Confusion" - Anberlin
-- Some rock music is very infectious.
Well hello there. I've been wanting to write. I have the urge when I don't have the time, but when I think I do have the time, I find some other reason not to. I also want to post more often. Afterall, why have a blog if you're not faithful to its purpose?
School this week has been better. AHEM. I STILL haven't done my History homework. I think I'm going to have to get it done tomorrow afterall... But I did all the rest on Friday.
Last weekend I slept at Paula's place for a change. Like, the first time! Before that, I went to a birthday party with her-- a party of a friend of hers which I have only met a couple times, but he invited me anyway, so I couldn't say no-- I ended up buying a box of chocolates for him. You can't go wrong with those, right? The party started around 7 o'clock, and we stayed there till 11:30 or so.
I even saw one of my classmates, Jessica, there! She's the only girl who really seems into manga/anime, but she's so quiet and unperdictable that I find it more of a challenge to get to know her. I attempted to talk to her-- we actually managed to have a longer dialouge than usual. Her brother and sister were also there---she said her sister thought I was an emo girl~ It didn't bother me at the time, but for some reason now I can't get it out of my head. -__-
Despite the fact that I don't really feel comfortable at parties (even though this was a very small-scale party), I found this one fun. I felt a bit weird when I tried to dance at first, despite the fact there was nobody really in the room when we got there, but I just listened to the music and didn't try anything fancy. After an hour or two going back and fourth, in and out, the room seemed like a oven, once a good amount of people were in there-- there was only a fan in there to cool off. A small one. So I just stayed outside. I also found out that I'm not the only person who may go to a party and doesn't dance. Jéssica and her sister refused to go inside the dance room. "No way. I don't dance!" I, for a second, felt like laughing, since here I was seeing a mirror image of myself, trying to convince them to at least try. It was no use, though. I said "I don't know how to dance either, but hey-- I do something and improvise!" No change in answer, though.
After talking to Jessica, seeing her leave, I sat next to Arthur (paula's brother with the white cap) and Davi (grey shirt and curly hair) on a bench, since I didn't really feel like chasing after Paula while she was dancing away. Eventually, after maybe 20 minutes, Paula and the rest of the boys came to join in the conversation. At that point I just listened. And the only time someone actually did talk to me, aside from the people that I already knew, was when I wasn't even listeing properly. He had asked me a question about something he had said before that I didn't even hear right-- 'cause I was spacing out. I didn't know what to say, but luckily someone else butted in before I was forced to say "I don't know what you're talking about."
I am rambling and repeating myself...
When we got back to Paula's apartment, it was around 12 o'clock. I only went to bed around 3:30 AM, but somehow Paula managed to stay up till 5 AM?! She's crazy, I say.
The next day I woke up unluckilly early as usual, and just my luck-- that time in the month arrived... I came prepared, but still-- I was weak the whole day. So we asked Davi and his cousin to come over after originally they wanted us to go out to the mall... Other than playing the most pointless board-game ever, I watched Ouran episodes with Paula, witnessed and tasted Paula's terrible sense of spicing, and watched Arthur and Davi play something I haven't seen in years. Pokémon cards! XD They were bored, obviously.
All in all, it was fun. And now I'm ramble-ed out. Hope this was entertaining. ;/