Listening to: Here in Your Arms - Hellogoodbye
First, I had plans to do my History homework-- that didn't go anywhere. Sleepy as I was, I then was going to take a nap. But then my mom called-- we talked. And now I can't really sleep nor do I want to do homework right now but I want to finish as much I can today.... Life is just a never ending set of stairs. The steps constantly make you trip in some way.
Today, some goofball had the idiotic idea while most-likely bored in History class, to hand me an eraser, asking me to pass it to some person (which I didn't even hear the name of right) and actually one side of the eraser was full of white-out. I didn't notice it until I was about to hand it to the person across from me, which is when I saw the white side, and its remains on my hand. Some people have nothing better to do, I swear...
Hum... I had a point to this post. I was helping my dad on and off to move a desk to another room just a while ago, and now I don't remember what I was going to write.. So this shall be stated "RANDOM" from here.
NEWS! I have none.
This was the week full of small tests. Explanation: My school does a program that every other week there are two-question-tests of each subject. Today was a week of tests. Today's history test was a total bomb. I didn't study a thing, so I literally guessed, trying to remember something vague I had heard last week. I think it came out to be a lost cause, in the end. As I opened my history book, I concidentally came to the exact page I needed to get the answer right. Oh well.. History is otherwise easy-- they don't expect you to know any dates, just facts! I love that part. Sadly, right now we're seeing the part of history I've already heard of several times, like the Industrial Revolution in England. Soon it's going to be the 1st + 2nd WW. I start to get bored once History starts to get recent.
I wanted to post here a couple days earlier this week, but it was impossible! Because of tests, I had to always study something, besides keeping my homework up-to-date. It's sad.
What else? It's 5 o'clock (even though I started this post originally around 3 o'clock), and I still have homework to do. I normally try my best lately to have pretty much no homework except what was given today to do, but since Thursday, I have not been able to do it. So now I have exactly these subjects (as far as homework) according to my agenda:
• Grammer
• Philosphy Project (it has nothing to do with philosophy, btw)
• Physics
• Portuguese
• English
• Math
• History
Isn't that depressing!?
Anyway, I better get to it, or else it won't happen. So I'll just explain what this project is about... I guess. Basically my Philosophy teacher (speaking of teachers, I MUST make a post talking about each and one of my teachers, because each and everyone of them are so different and quirky.) asked us to do a group project about traffic acidents, how to avoid them, etc. I'm in charge of the panel/board/picture stuff in my group. I was planning to have done some research already yesterday, but as you can see, if I can't even blog, research is even harder! So I'm going to do that this weekend... He also asked us to make a written essay about it. It's due on the 4th of September, thankfully. Or else I'd be screwed.
So yeah-- not a very detailed explanation, but I kind of have to stop here. Seriously. I have to do homework! Or else I will seriously regret tomorrow. So off I go!
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10 years ago
1 said miss mademoiselle:
Oh, dear! Your post is making me afraid of ME starting school on Wednesday! I am trying my hardest to look forward and be curious about the classes, instead of dreading the homework (such as the bomb of that history test studying - I'm so sorry that happened to you. It sounds awful).
Studying is important. But I can understand not having studied enough. Sometimes those darn tests just have unexpected questions! Or there's just so much going on, it's hard to remember stuff. Then you look at the answer later and go "wow, I can't believe I didn't remember it."
Don't be too hard on yourself. Mistakes happen, neh? We're only human.
I look forward to your posts about the teachers. That sounds like it'll be fun stuff to read.
Good luck with your schoolwork. I'm still packing to go back to school...leaving tomorrow. I can't wait to move in on Monday!
Also, I'm getting pet fish...*is excited*
Oh, and there's been progress with "Maugre." I'll send you more on a weekend sometime when you've less homework. :)
The white out thing...*rolls eyes* People. Pshh. That's all I'll say to that one. Jeez.
( O.O 7 subjects worth of homework?!...I am terrified for you! Thank god you're not in college yet, or 7 subjects worth of homework would take a few days...~.~ ).
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