Sunday, September 9, 2007

Study, doust tho?

Student life is sad. Not all the time. But there are no doubt times. Times where you have yet to study for the test week that's coming after the coming week-- if you catch my drift.

I haven't studied yet. Not properly, not what I would consider "studying" at least. And it's my fault in the end, I know! But... but it's too late to say "but". That's what's depressing. I'm just going to have to study a lot this coming week, and next, 'course. It's what always seems to happen when test week comes. I can't seem to organize my studies a week or two ahead. Some people can, but I can't. Not now, anyway.

Student life. Isn't it a beautiful thing? Three years from now, or later no doubt, I'll be looking back on this with a laugh and a "I want those days back." It's like that everytime. Once you don't have it-- you want it. And when you have-- you asked for too much, or want less, or none at all. Us peeps are stupid, if you ask me. So very undecisive to the point that it gets to you.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

"Us peeps are stupid, if you ask me."

*cracks up* XD You are just too too funny, girl. I love the things you come up with.

Ah, but how true! In a few years we will long for the past, or laugh at ourselves, but in the moment it seems so hard and it's like a dark cloud is around us. I felt like that this morning, before I dropped chemistry and swtiched to a different class. *whew!*

Don't worry. You'll survive.

Indecisive, yeah! Tell me about it. I'm one of the most indecisive people I know.

Student life, beautiful? I hope that was sarcastic, lol.