Sunday, September 30, 2007

test results

First comes first. So before I talk about anything else, I just want to post my test results because I never do bother, and hey—it may be interesting for someday out here on the web. Who knows.

By the way, before I do—I have to explain that the way they grade here in Brazil is very different to how they may grade something in say the U.S.. The way the grade things is sort of similar to the way they grade things in Europe, I guess.

Grades over here go from 0 to 10. Well, technically, 0 is non-existent, but even if you’re really screwed either way, they might just add say 0,7 – just to be accurate.

Anyway, the good grades start from the “average”, which in my school—it’s 7,0. So if you get at least 7,0 or higher on the majority or your grades, you’re good. Of course, something like 8,0; 8,5; 9,0; or what to speak of a good old 10 is even better.

Anything lower than 7,0 in my school is not very good. I consider a 6,0 to be borderline, since it’s almost 7,0. If you receive 5,0—they give you back your test either way. But if you receive a lower grade than that—like 4,0 or anything lower—your parents will have to come to the school and receive the test directly. If you get a lot these low considered grades—there’s a very big chance you may not pass on a subject. But that’s a different story all together.

So, now that I’ve explained that---and hopefully you understood it--here are my test results.

• Math: 7,5 – FINALLY.
• Physics: 8,1 -- a miracle!
• Portuguese: 7,2 -- but on the composition part, I got 6,4—so my average grade in a whole is 6,8
• History: 5,0 -- there wasn’t enough time to study!
• Philosophy: 7,0?
• English: 9,6 – can you believe I only didn’t get 10 because I forgot to add 2 times “d” in the word “use”?!
• Geography: 8,5 –what a relief.
• Biology: 6,3
• Chemistry: 6,2 – Even though normally get an 8,0 or 7,0…
• “ADEM”: Not sure yet.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

1) What is ADEM?

2) Interesting grading system! I kind of like it. It allows for more between-things, unlike the old A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc. Although maybe it allows for less in-betweenage, because it sounds like a 6 is baddish, soyou only have five numbers to deal with. Hmm.

Congrats on the math! 7.5 is good! Awesome! Go you!

I am very sorry about the History. Sometimes they really don't give you enough time. For example, I had a popquiz thing today in art history, and I would've been able to write way more if the prof. had given us more time! argh.

I am sorry you got a 6.2 on Chem instead of your usual higher. But eh, chem is hard, I understand. Good for you anyway.

Congrats on the bio, too. Jeez, chem bio and physics?! You have a lot of science!!! Jeeezzz.

Portuguest 7.2! That is excellent, considering that it is your second language. I know you've lived in Brazil for years, but still. Good for you!

Philosphy 7.0 is DEFINITELY something to be proud of. Philosophy is a very difficult and vague subject that I imagine it is hard to grade and to be a student in, since everything is sortof relative and no philosophy is exactly wrong or right; it's all up to the person. So excellent on that!

Physics, 8.1. I commend you! I clap you on the back and give you hugs and grins and thumbs up and applause! This subject is so difficult I can imagine, and you got an excellent, excellent grade. Congratulations. I hope you feel good about yourself; I hope you feel accomplished. You should! :)

English...I fly towards you and hug you. Good going, girl! Go English! *highfive* English is my fave so I have bias towards it, but nevertheless, even if I didn't, yay for your 9.6!! You are awesome! You rock!

:D :D :D

It must be a relief to be done with those tests. Thank you for posting all this. It WAS interesting, even though school-related. I liked this post of yours very much. The "used" grading bit for the English test, ah, lame! You should have gotten a 10 regardless of those missing letter 'd's. Ah well. 9.6, yay!!

Sorry for all the exclamation marks...but I really mean it...^_^