I have to catch up on my studies (including japanese classes). I have to study for up coming tests this week, plus do homework, and hopefully manage to do a written essay about something in Japan... 'Be ready to talk about it tomorrow and even (or better yet: still) study the test coming this wednesday which btw I have not studied for at all (I have not even memorized anything..)
Plus I have to somewhow catch up and learn the rest of my dance steps for the dance festival which just so happens to be this coming Sunday! And did I mention I miss 2 rehearsals? Why..?
Because my dad convinced me to skip 2 classes (aka 2 days of school-- 'though Friday was a holiday. 2 days=Wed + Thurs.) to go on a trip to Salvador! And I do not blame him. I don't regret going completely because in the end, I did agree and did enjoy it. Yes I did. T'was very fun indeed. (But that's another topic all together..)
Yet now I'm totally disoriented... which really sucks to say the least.
...Now my right foot is falling a sleep. Alas, 'tis the stressful (it's all relative, people!) life of a student striving to survive to survive this jungle we call... well, school!
And as you read this seemingly frantic message, you may think: Poor girl, so terribly stressed!
But I am not stressed! I am merely excited. Yes, excited.
No, I am not in love.
I just think that despite all the things, responsabilities I may have coming back from this trip, I feel strangely inspired and energetic, because of it.
I also feel extremely pleased to be able to finally not lose this kind of train of thought.
So yes.
RECAP of the past few weeks since I have been absent online is:
• The week before last week (aka the week before my trip), I experienced the fair I was talking about earlier. Or at least I meant to talk about it. But as you will find out now, if not before, that project that I had to do made living hell for me (at some times, that is), and I am more than relieved to have it done. More reasons as to why such hell was brought up shall be spoken of in another post/topic as well. (Although I had fun in the end, don't get me wrong~) Anyway! That week was also a bit crazy, as in one of those 2 days of the fair I was bored out of my skull... Or almost! As to why, that shall also be explained later, which much eye-candy to show off.
• Me and my dad's trip to Salvador was great. No doubt it's a beautiful city but like every big city, it's a bit crazy. Don't trust the first signs you see, sometimes. You might just make the wrong turn and get screwed for the next 15 or 5 minutes in traffic (especially in the evening.) All the wonderfulness of Salvador shall be seen and spoken of in another post.
• And yeah. That's the most resumed recap I can do since my last post.
But I can say that yesterday I arrived in the airport, back in Fortaleza around 7:30 PM. Or maybe almost 8:00 PM. 'Also nearly had a heart attack (me + me dad) because we though we had missed the flight back home. We finally run to the departure gate (which had no one in sight), only to tell us that the flight would be delayed a couple minutes due to another plane landing before them, so they had to search for our plane to land or something. Because of all that stress, I even managed to forget the water bottles at the security check up thingy... (Darn those security check-ups, I tell you!)
Today, though, I went to school like a good citizen, but in fear that my math teacher would discover I didn't do any of is excercises, nor had I brought my original math notebook... I was planning to say I forgot it all (my notebook that is), but thank goodness he didn't even bother demanding it today. I need to by Friday though.
Also today I filled out a form (I always seem to get nervous when I have to fill out forms, lol) so I can start voting at my current school building starting next year, instead of somewhere else. Voting, you say? Yes, in Brazil voting is obligatory once you're 17. At 16 it's still optional though. I wish it wasn't mandatory... like in the US.
So I think that sums up about what I have been up to.. Btw, I have 2 sort of recent posts on my writing blog to whoever is interested. :D
P.S. I wrote all this on darn paper, in capitalized letters, and now I just typed it all up... It's like writing it 2 times. Phew. x_x
1 said miss mademoiselle:
Haha, I've done that before, where I write it out and then type it. What a chore!
I am glad that you had a good time in Salvador. Also I can understand your mixed feelings about it, because now since you missed 2 days, you have to make them up, BUT you had fun. So it's a balance of good and bad.
I am really glad to hear that you are not terribly stressed. Haha, I like your little poem thing dedicated to it, here! Funny. It is so good that you are energetic and inspired, I wish I could be that way! sheesh. so much work.
Do tell more about the fair! I look forward to a post on that! It sounds so interesting.
I hope you have pictures of the fair, and/or Salvador. I really want to SEE all these places! And the people, too. :)
The airport stress - hoo boy, I can relate to that. The anxiety lives in you until you get on the plane or off it, haha.
VOTING? That is crazy! wow! So voting as in, voting who's president and stuff, or what? It sounds serious. I mean, you're only 16 (17?), so that seems crazy that you must vote. Weeiirdd.
I shall check the writing blog...*tiptoes away*
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