I just had this whacky dream. At first, I dreamt about three women, some younger or older than the other, who supposed they all were pregnant. It turned out only the oldest was. Then my dream switched to this story of the oldest woman, who was officially pregnant, proposing to the man she loved in a room full of drifting light purple daisies, with violet wine glasses scattered on a brown patio floor. They both seemed terribly happy, but they both only smiled at each-other. The dream seemed to end, I thought, at that point, but for some reason it took a strange turn.
Now the happy couple was dancing in what seemed to be an empty ballroom (or maybe it was one of those things where all they could see were themselves dancing) -- they both wore fancy, regal-like clothing. The lady wore a white-sprinkled with gold, while the man wore a navy blue. Things like gold dust seemed to be drifting around the place.
Then, all of a sudden, it seemed like the "fast-forward" button was pressed. The man the woman loved was in front a humungo old mansion, in a cloudy fall setting. Everything seemed somber as he walked into the building. The mansion was quite empty and some parts that seemed unused were a bit rundown. I find out later (or rather, a couple seconds later, I suppose) that this man has a child, a bratty 11 or 12 year-old who's constantly complaining to her father about his lack of action. This girl also has a ridiculous amount of toys, like Barbies and Polly Pocket's, but they're all untouched, still in their plastic case, stacked into shelfs.
Then there comes another man who seems to have done a deal between the first and they exchange cold looks between eachother, although the 2nd man shows off a smirk on and off, finding this amusing.( He also seems to be quite the womanizer, constantly seen with some other lady. )
Like most of my dreams, they tend to be unexplained (I guess all dreams are like that, yes?), and so the next scene came quickly and had no real explanation as to how it got there..
The 12 year-old girl was scared and frantic, yet again complaing about dad's behavior. Her father was sulking in a room, claiming he could do nothing about the situation. The 2nd man was searching the many rooms with what looked something like a rifle. There was some kind of explosion, I guess, and then the sulky man was somewhere else, in what seemed to be a mix of a car fair and some science fair?
And from that point I woke up. o_o
I haven't had such a long-told dream before. Most of my dreams are just odd scenes-- fragments and unrelated.
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10 years ago
2 said miss mademoiselle:
What a cool dream! Very vivid! You remembered so many details of it.
These are the sort of dreams I often have, dreams that tell bits and pieces of a story, but not the whole tale.
I really am intrigued by the man with the kid (is it th eman from earlier who married the pregnant woman?). I am also intrigued by the two other women who are not pregnant. What happened to them? Who are they? Of course, you don't know, but I'm just saying. Very interesting dream.
I wonder what was with the 2nd man, and the scene with the rifle and all sounds very exciting.
You should SO make this dream into a story. It sounds like it could even be a novel, about the life of this man - from marraige, to a child. Perhaps his wife died, or the 2nd man took his wife? And then the scene at the Science Fair at the end of the story, and the scene with the 2nd man holding a rifle. Wow.
This is such an intriguing dream. I can't wait to see what more your sleeping brain comes up with. :D
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