Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I've been living in a bubble for the past week or two ever since I came back from traveling during the holidays. I mean, in a way I already have the tendancy to live in my own bubble already, but mostly in my mind. Now it feels really real since I haven't contacted any friends now that I'm back home-- in other words it's like I don't exist right now-- I'm merely floating around.

2010; I have to get use to saying that.
I'm trying to get rid of a cold I got from my dad-- see, that's what tends to happen when you take care of a sick person; you're bound to get it too! Not to say I wasn't super cautious... I'm that type of person that is close to fanatic about washing hands and things related, but I guess it wasn't enough! I probably was staying too many times in my dad's room, trying to keep him company.

I gotta go to bed. I feel like sleeping even though I slept for nearly 2 hours this afternoon as a "nap"!
See u later!

0 said miss mademoiselle: