Thursday, April 22, 2010

Writing dilema

 I just had an epiphany. I was listening to a podcast that discussed writing and its different aspects, and one of the topics was "researching" and that's something I have always sucked at, so I listened. And they stated one of the most obvious things -- you have to read lots and lots. And then I thought: Damn, this is why I can't find the urge to write anymore! I haven't been reading anything! DUH.

I felt like hitting my hand on my forehead -- you know, the typical "of course! why didn't I think of that" gesture.

It's so obvious. But the book I have yet to finish is a book where well... I don't have the courage to finish. When I want to read it, it's nightime, and that's the worst time to read it because chances are I won't be able to relax and fall asleep after it. I guess you must pay the price for liking freaky suspense stories and Dean Koontz.

2 said miss mademoiselle:

Cristina Eleuterio Alves said...

hasuhau I tottally understand you!
writing is so difficult... Only when I read something nice i have the inspiration!
hey read more! >.< then you can find some nice books for me too

Rain-drop said...

hey girl,

I think that advice the radio thingy gave is spot-on. Reading a lot is definitely inspiring for writing, whether it's right away (I've had this happen), or you mull for a while (mostly this happens, with me). Either way it is a good way to think about and produce writing.

Read something, anything! Maybe read scary stuff in the evening, but stop half an hour before bed so that the scary isn't on your mind when you're trying to sleep?

Dean Koontz. Still haven't read any of his stuff, even though he's famous. Should check it out.