Monday, October 31, 2005
Brick walls suck
Remember that I mentioned I had made some notes about my story? Well, I managed to write and revise some more. But just when I'm starting to like how it's coming out I'm hit with a brick wall. See, I had this plan on how I'd do it, only I ended up adding a small detail out of the blue--and I like it so much!-- but now I'm stuck on how to continue to the point I need to get to. So now I am faced with the desicion to either take it out completely, or find a way to squeeze it in somehow. I'm baffled and it sucks.
Anyway, I'm going to deal with it tomorrow either way. I have to get ready for bed. My dad wants me to go to sleep early tonight, you see.
Oh, and Happy Halloween everyone! Not many people celebrate it here in Brasil. Maybe it's better that way-- I always hated being startled anyway, especially since it's so darn easy to startle me. Just a simple "boo" works. Ridiculous!
Sunday, October 30, 2005

You do things the ususal way. And you're definetly
not one of a kind! You're very pretty and have
the very inpopular boyfriend, but you have lots
of friends and you are loved, You are looked
upon as normal size.
Which Anime girl are you? (Pretty pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
I guess it could be somewhat true... I mostly wanted to do it becuase the pictures were so cute.

Dreamwalking is your specialtiy.
You are a person with a huge imagination, and would
rather live in their imaginary world than the
real one. You love to sleep, because when you
do, you get to live in your dreams. In your
dreams, you see things that might come true,
and at some times they do. You can interperate
any dream, whether it be yours or someone elses
and most of the time, you are acurate. Many
people may look down upon you because of the
fact that you don't seem to see the problems of
the real world, but you do. You just want to
escape them, and your dreams and imagination is
where you can find that solace.
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Kinda true. I love daydreaming and fantasizing-- and I'd just love to live in my dreams, but I don't like sleeping that much. I also use my dreams and fantasies to hide from my problems, so that part is a bit true.
The rest were completely random, but also on the "most poplular" list.
You have Butterfly
Positive Traits: Thoughtful,
Intelligent, Humble, Clever, Open
Negative Traits: Elitist,
Conceited, Apathetic, Cold, Sarcastic
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla
When I got back, which was yesterday afternoon, I was still sick and had a little bit of a fever, so I didn't do much other than rest and sleep. When my dad picked me up, though, we didn't go back to the house. Now we're in the little apartment I talked about. Not the one in Beira Mar-- the one with the garden and pool and benches that's called Happy Living. Things are still a bit messy, especially since some boxes are still laying around. But it's just a matter of time and things'll look better. My room ain't that much, but hey-- at least I get to have a big bed now~.
I came across this artist on DeviantART that goes by the name tracyjb and her art is beautiful (you can find more sketches at her site!). If you go to her site, you'll find a wonderfully written story there as well. I've only read the first chapter, but I already have a feeling that it's something Chai would like. So be sure to check it out!
I feel somewhat obliged to give more details about the trip, but... I can't think of what else to say about it. It was fun, no doubt-- but that's it, I guess.
I guess I might at well mention this, though: boys are not only an amusement, but a nuisance as well. Don't get it? Try and figure it out, heh.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I hate...
This morning after arriving at school early, I sat down by the table next to our classroom and waited. I pondered how I should kill my time while I wait, so I grabbed my mini-notebook and a pen, and started to write some notes for Vaal's story. Now, when I have the time, I can write those notes in actual story-like words and all that. I already started a bit, but I won't be able to finish because tomorrow I'm leaving on the trip and will only be back on Saturday.
Packing also for my trip was annoying. I just don't like to pack. It's a nuisance.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Frustrating little thing it is
I have once again written a teensy bit more for my you-know-who shrine. But now I have a great urge to play the game. The truth is, I haven't finished playing the game yet, though I know the basic story already despite that-- 'cause of the spoilers on the net. Anyway, there are these tiny-itsy-bisty details in the story that are important to the story which I still have not witnissed comepletely, so I feel like I must finish it to be able to write some decent info on Tidus, others, and etcetera. We'll see what happens. Also, I wasn't able to find a way to rewrite my "indepth" info on Tidus yet. (What I was talking about yesterday.) It's bugging me.
Besides that, I haven't done much today. Oh, well-- only if I take out the part where my dad and me went to Beira Mar and looked at an apartment building we're considering to rent and then stopped at the mini-magazine shop and bought a comic + a magazine or two. But other than that, yes, I haven't done much.
I should chant some rounds now. But I'm so bored...
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Buahahaha.... I'm weird.
I'm not much of a fan of Whitney Houston. I never hear her songs on the radio, what to speak of elsewhere. But I was bored as I was browsing iTunes Music Store and came across Whitney Houston. Out of pure curiosity, I browsed through her albums, and came across this one song called "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" and I really like it! It came from an album that was released 1985, so yeah, it's typical 80's groove. But that's what I love.
I've written some more for my up-coming Tidus shrine, and I'm happy how it came out. But now I'm not happy with what I wrote several days ago anymore. It's weird. I'll have to find a way to re-write it tomorrow. But at least I wrote, so it makes me feel happy. It feels like I accomplished something. Lately I've realized if you want to feel if only a teensy bit satisfied after the day, you gotta do something for yourself. You just gotta do it, or else it won't happen. And it feels so good when it does! Now I can finally say that effort pays off in the end.
I've also written a teensy paragraph of the continuation of Vaal's story yesterday. I tried writing more, but my mind just whent blank. I have to find a moment to think it through on what'll happen next.
I did all my homework today, so I won't have to worry about it tomorrow. The only thing I haven't done is knitting... which I'm leaving for tomorrow. Even though knitting has gotten easier for me to do, I still don't like it. And I'll continue not liking it! Hmph.
I have my period. I don't know if I should be even be mentioning this on my blog, if it's advisable or anything, but it's my blog, and I'm not embarrassed to say it. It sucks though. The back pain has gone away for a bit. It better not come back! And fortunetely, my dad has just come back with the pads I've been needing. Yup, you don't want to know...
What else? Uh, dunno. I'm currently browsing manga scans... specifically shoujo. And don't think it's weird that I'm reading shoujo! It's not. I like shoujo, shoujo can have an interesting plot too. (But some can really bore you to death, I'll admit that.) Besides, if you knew me well enough, you'd know that I'm a cheesy romantic. Yes, I finally said it. (Hope you find that funny, 'cause I do.)
Oh, and another thing! I was browsing this one Tidus shrine today. The creator of the site was explaining why she liked Tidus so much, and one of the things she mentioned was she thought him as a perfect boyfriend. I realized that I agree. Serious! Not that I have any experience with boyfriends or boys, but if I met a guy like Tidus, I'd be like: oh-my-gosh--*heart*. It's a weird realization, but it's so true.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sidgey-poo XD

I wasn't planning to make a new character. I started out with the idea of drawing a cute looking guy in a highschool outfit (omg, I'm so cheesy), but once I got to the hair, I started goofing off and since I just love little curls and swirls in any shape or form, I ended up starting out with on little curl of hair, and then I started liking it and put some more waves and curls. This is the result. Nothing extravagant, but I like it. I think my favorite part out of the whole thing besides the hair is the mouth. Why? Because it actually looks somewhat like a mouth!
Oh, and pardon for the excessive amount of hearts. I kinda really liked it, so I couldn't resist putting some hearts here and there to make my point clearer then it already was.
About the name, well, all I can say is that I really like it. >=D Yeah, yeah-- I'm so silly. Me knows.
Whee, I survived. I mean, from the apresentation. Our teacher let us read a little in the end, so that helped a lot. I also didn't stutter this time. Well, now I've got that out of my hair finally. You don't know how relieved I feel. Plus, it's finally weekend. Actually, it would be better not to say "finally" since the week for me really went quite fast. I guess because I was so busy with my homework and the apresentation that I didn't notice the time go by.
Man, I have nothing good to talk about! It's annoying...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Can you say "she talks too much?"
My headache went away. What a relief. I think it came from straining myself too hard on finishing my 4 page long research about vitamins ASAP. Oh well. At least it's done and the headache disappeared. I just hope my research turns out to be of some use for our presentation, because I worked hard on that thing. Even if most of it was copying and pasting it. The research was tiring enough.
Oh, I'm gonna be gone for most of next week. Seriously, the 7th grade is going on a trip next Wednesday! We leave at 8 o'clock in the moring on a special bus, stop at this one place called "Tianguá" at 2 o'clock, and then we're going out on the 29th (which is on a Saturday) at 8:20 AM in the morning and getting back here in wee old Fortaleza at 2:20 PM. We'll be staying at a hotel called "Hotel Complexo de Lazer Rios" in Viçosa do Ceará (which I have no clue where that is) and chilling there. I think.
It's supposed to be a little cold there, so they ask us to bring warm PJs and clothes, of course. The cool thing is that they ask to bring a bathing suit, so that may mean there's a pool. Ooh. I really can't wait, but I can't help but worry about my dad doing the rest of the packing for the move alone. I mean, sure, of course he's capable. If anybody is, he is. But I'm just worried that my personal stuff is gonna get stuck in storage or worse yet-- lost! Yeah, yeah. I worry too much.
My headache is starting to come back, so this is where I shall stop. Chaozinho.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
This time, there's no going to the "start" menu.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
New title + a new accomplishment. Sorta.
Reading: What I wrote earlier
Watching: the clock (literally)
I couldn't help it. The name literally just popped in my head while I was browsing this new collective and peeking at its various sites. One of her sites were called "Epilogue," which she claimed was her personal site. Then I tried linking names similar that for the fun of it and the current name of my blog came to me. I think it's snazzy, dude. First time I actually was creative, too.
You know how I'm putting cielo-sereno.ORG on hold, right? Well, I don't exactly want it on hold forever. I was getting annoyed earlier that I hadn't started any of the ideas I have. So this moring, after breakfast, I sat in front of my computer and did a little bit of research and started typing. Now I've written 7 paragraphs for one page, which shall be one of the pages for my hopefully up-coming Tidus shrine. Ever since I started playing the game, I was charmed by Tidus. He's just so... loveable! But I'm sure there are Tidus haters out there somewhere. Such a pity too. Anyway, so now I'm feeling a bit good about myself, having finally finished something!
Let me hear a cheer for the lazy-bum!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Quick rant
But wait. Now searching on Google for her name, it seems she's a singer still. She even has her own website. Hmph. Never heard of her. I listened to her music she has on her website, and it's completely different. It sucks in comparison. *pouts* People become so degraded with fame. I don't mean to be judging or anything, but it's just true. I mean, have you seen the black music videos on TV?! It's gross.
To see an example of the songs she used to do (the one's I discovered and like), watch this music video:
Tetsuya Nomura ish teh best, dude~
I just finished watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and I'm in love with the characters. My favorites were Reno, Cloud (duh), Marlene, Denzel,
(I repeat! Tetsuya Nomura ish so cool!)
Friday, October 14, 2005
"Happy Living" (that's the actual name of the place)
So a couple posts back I had mentioned briefly that I would have to move earlier than expected. Why? Well, let's just say my mom flunked when she forgot to tell the owner we're staying a bit longer. So, yeah. Now we have to move before the end of this month.
At first my dad thought we would just have to live in a flat for a month or so, that way we would be able to look for a more practical place to live in, in the meantime. Luckily, my dad found this place down closer by the beach, and still in the same area. It's sort of like a condominium complex (with security and stuff), except with gorgeous scenery and a huge pool. The "apartments" are technically flats, but like I said, it's just temporary. The only problem I have with it all is that the room that would be mine is really small, and therefore doesn't have as much place for storage as I'd like. It has two single beds (which I can connect to make a big one, hehe) and a closet, but that's about it.
But no doubt, I love the scenery outside. It's green, full of palm trees, flowers, and little stone paths. And it's very sunny. But my favorite part is the area where several paths connect and lead to two white benches, where a couple trees are shading them. A prefect place to daydream in my free time...
The majority of our stuff will be going in storage once we move, of course. So I soon have to decide what I want to bring and what I don't need to. My dad says he wants to move sometime around the 31st.
Wanna know another cool thing?! The download for AC is almost done! Serious! I'm almost positve it'll be done by tonight, or at least tomorrow. I so hope it works~
On a note, I'm listening to this one song called 'Hey, Whatever!" by Westlife, right? I just love it. It's sung in a chorus and upbeat way~ I want to show you the lyrics!
Well I can't control the universe
Cause I'm only a man
And I've been reading the papers
But they won't tell me who I am
If you really need a new philosophy
Well there's one that makes sense
The one I profess but I say
Chorus: (All)
Hey whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say whatever
Why don't you liberate your mind
Let your colour fill the sky
All the world's a waiting room
And we're standing in line
For the answers to the question
"What makes this fine?"
Don't let them change your story
Won't let them change your song
Don't let the gurus and philosophers lead you on
It's like taking a seat at the roulette table
Just spinning the wheel
Good or bad just take what comes
Don't change how you feel
Youre a champion of science
Or are y'just some freak show's fool
What can not be proved, no no
Can still be true
And I say
Chorus x 2
Heeey whatever
I like it, anyway... ¬__¬;;
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Doodles in the truest sense

Credit: icon found at Digik.NET
Yup, that's right. I have but only two sucky doodles to show... So pitiful, me knows. The first one I did yesterday. I was kinda bored and... yeah. At first I was a bit proud of it, but now that I look at it again, I think it looks hideous. It's plain full of mistakes. T__T

Uh... I guess this post was a waste of time. Oh well~♥ (Psst. It's probably obvious, but click on the images to get a bigger version.)
P.S. Scratch that "he looks too much like a pretty boy" thing. Now that I look at it again, he just looks like a kid. *snort*
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Emotions are something to ponder

Credit: icon found at Akutenshi
My dad suggested I call my mom on Skype (a free calling program you use on your computer), and eventually I did (after playing a little bit of "the Sims," of course.)
I don't know why, but I almost felt even more awkward on the phone. I guess it's because I haven't heard her voice in such a long time. We talked a little about our recent happenings and my opinion on the current ideas and decisions that were being made. When I heard her voice, I was kinda surprised. It almost felt that I was talking to a different person. Dunno why. It was strange. But then my voice started to break and I had to somehow hide it so she wouldn't notice. I even shed a tear or two, but kept my voice as steady as possible. It eventually went away. In the end, my mom had to leave to eat dinner.
Why did I almost cry...?
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Can't think of anything witty...

Listening to: "Beauty and the Beast" - Jump5
I've been working on my research for almost 3 hours, and I've only managed to write three whole paragraphs... But it was really hard to find the right words to use! But hey, at least I'm getting somewhere, right?! Right~
I found a torrent with "Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children" with English subtitles. It's big as well, 759 MiB to be precise, (definetely not as big as "The Sims 2," thankfully) so it may not take as long to download. I just hope it works in the end.
It was a pain to go to sleep last night. Actually, it wasn't that hard to fall asleep, but when I woke around 3 A.M. and couldn't fall back asleep, that's when it got annoying. I was tired, obviously, but I couldn't get rid of the weird images of walking, supposedly dead, pale, people that shaped from shadows and candles in my head. I blame the manga I was reading last night, which was made from the same person who made Angel Sanctuary (but unlike AS, it was rated PG-15), except the artwork was obviously older since the artwork in AS is much prettier. Anyway, it was about this guy called Count Cain and he solved weird murder mysteries and collected rare poisons. It might sound interesting, but I wasn't that interested, so I eventually stopped shortly before I went to sleep.
I seriously tried to push out the images. I tried to think of something completely different, but every time I started getting sleepy, the images would come back, and then I'd wake up again. It was so annoying!! I eventually turned on my lamp next to my bed, hoping it might help. It just burned my eyes like anything! I don't remember how long it took, but eventually I fell asleep. What a night that was... (And I had to deal with that and my dad's snoring!)
Yeah. So.. uh, that's all I have to say at the moment. Have fun. (P.S. Any icons that don't have credit are made by me..)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Such a daydreamer doesn't deserve such boredom...

Listening to: "Do Ya" - Jump5
My dad found me a place where I can download Sims 2 for the Mac! Of course, it's big, so it's gonna take a while. But at least, hopefully, I'll be able to play it. Oh, the wonders of the Internet...
Monday and no school today, and for the rest of the week. Cool, right? It would be even cooler if it weren't for the research I have to do about nutrition. I haven't even started writing anything. But I have a whole week, right? There's plenty of time... *nervously glances at the readers*
At least one of you must know about the group called Jump5. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of that catchy, girly, sweet, bubblegumy pop. So typical, yes, I know! It's the typical music a typical girl who's a daydreamer and despite the reality of things, still can't help but dream of that "prince who sweeps you off your feet," even though she knows it could never happen in real life. She sighs at this, but still likes to dream... HEH. *smirks knowingly at herself*
Believe it or not, I do have "The Sims" for the PS2. (You're probably wondering why I'd want the 2nd for my comp, right?) It's quite fun, actually. I still haven't completed the "Get a Life" mode yet. My "sim" (character) has to live with the dreadful Mimi (she doesn't clean, cook, or even answer the phone) as a roommate. The house's awesome compared to the somewhat dingy thing you gotta move into before. Anyway, my "sim" has a job as a stunt double, and get's paid pretty good in my opinion, but to get the stupid promotion for it is proving to be a trip. (You gotta complete various goals/missions to get to the next level, or in other words, move out. To get a promotion is one of them. And you gotta have the required qualities to get it. It's a pain.) Anyway, yeah. That's what I've been playing as far video games go.
Grr... I dunno what to talk about. Just to think of "The Sims" was a struggle. Ooh.. I know. *evil grin*
Tetsuya Nomura ish the best. ♥ (Er...that wasn't what I was going to say, but it's true, he is..) Now for what I was going to say!
"Yakitate!! Japan" is an awesome manga. Sure, it's main plot is mostly about bread, but that doesn't make it boring. No. It makes it even cooler, becuase if it weren't, there wouldn't exist the awesome characters in it! And it may be hard to believe, but it's HILARIOUS. (I didn't put that in caps for nothing!) And between the hilarity, it still manages to have its touching moments. So ignore the comments like "ugh, it's about bread?!" -- just read it! Remember the saying: Don't go judging a book by its cover. Okay?! (Demanding little creature, ain't I?)
Okay, now here's where my mind goes blank. So... tootles!
[EDIT:] After I had posted my entry for today, I decided to browse my older entries, and it made me realize: I've really slacked off on my grammar recently. In my entries of the past months and last year, I wrote these huge entries with a much better use of words. That is to say, I didn't use as much slang as I do now. It bugs me. Instead of mature, it makes me feel childish to see how I write my entries now. How annoying... [/EDIT]
Saturday, October 8, 2005
Angel Sanctuary

Have you ever heard of the manga "Angel Sanctuary"? If you have, and know me well, you're probably thinking why in the world is she reading that?! (I asked the same thing to myself!) If you haven't heard of it and you don't know me well... then tough luck!
But seriously. I'd love to give you guys a basic summary, if it weren't for the fact that the story is so darn complex. Luckily, I came across this:
- Taken from
Setsuna is a troubled boy. His parents are separated, and he lives on his own. His sister Sarah lives with their mother. Though he seems to be an average guy, he loses his temper often enough to be thought of as a bit of a thug, and can be seen picking fights with street toughs for seemingly obscure reasons. The fact that he usually wins, is equally disturbing - though pales in comparison with the affection with which he regards his sister.
Though Setsuna's life is far from ideal, he is rather attached to it. So, he is a bit less-than-thrilled when a group of drugged-out guys start persecuting him - especially when they kidnap his sister. Determined to get her back, he wages one-man war on their headquarters and loses, badly. This of course, is merely the beginning. As he should by all rights be dying, another voice takes over, and decimates his enemies. At this point, it becomes clear that he is, indeed, the reincarnation of Alexiel - a rebellious angel, banished to earth long ago.
This is the point when the story starts to get complicated. The various factions pursuing Setsuna and his unwelcome progenitor are literally legion. First you have the "good" angels, the "bad" angels of varying degrees, Lucifer himself [as a human, no longer waging true war on heaven], and various underlings. Good and bad demons also weigh in to various degrees, as well as Setsuna's mother, who is rightfully distrustful of his attachment to his sister, Sarah.
It is inevitable at this point, that all hell is going to break loose - and Setsuna will likely be the cause.
Yeah, uh-- my parents don't know that what I'm reading is exactly that. Eh... ¬__¬;; But trust me, I wasn't totally enthusiastic when I started reading it. It was quite the opposite. I was just curious. But then I got the chance to buy another edition, and now I'm kinda hooked... Heh.
Don't hate me! V__V;;
Friday, October 7, 2005
Who would think...
Credits: credit for icon goes to Confidenter

I know. Responsibility is responsibility. But sometimes it can get on your nerves. I'm just not completely use to having to think about so many things, to remember so many things, to organize my time between fun and work. It's just out of whack.
And it don't help that my dad told me we're gonna have to move a bit earlier than expected. And then there's mom coming back soon. I can't help but just feel a little apprehensive, you know?
But I'll deal with it. I can handle. Besides, it's Friday. Low and behold. =)
Monday, October 3, 2005
Just another excuse
Lately I've been feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with myself. Or rather, today.
Sometimes I find myself thinking that I really just don't make an effort. An effort to simply feel better about myself. Be more confident and conquer challenges, take hold of my responsibilities-- instead of constantly complaining and whining, insisting that "I'll do it later."
But then when I really think about it, it's just another excuse. I think about it, contemplate that I'm annoyed with myself, and yet do nothing about it. All I do is think about it, and then think about it some more. I do nothing in reality. And even now, I'll admit, I don't really want to. I have an urge, but I'm too lazy to act.
So yeah, I'm basically repeating myself and whining without doing anything to change it. Realistically, I can only start doing something tomorrow. At least that's what I think... I know, it's just another excuse.
What do you suggest I do? Other than take action like I should?